03-24-2020 05:31 AM
This could be dangerous for the store owner's that watch their listing numbers as to not run over the limit with GTC.
I was happy to begin with, somewhat still am, but got to thinking that in one month if I don't watch my numbers I could end up with a huge listing fee bill.
03-24-2020 05:35 AM
Please let me clarify that it's to Invited Store Owners
03-24-2020 06:22 AM
Juliet, I was thinking the same thing. I usually have a few thousand listings that I rotate in order to avoid automatic relistings and a huge bill. At first I, too, was pleased with the thought of this promo, but I'm beginning to have second thoughts. I'm also uncomfortable when the discount doesn't show up on the listing, but on our invoice instead. I'm afraid I'm becoming a Nervous Nelly in my old age.
03-24-2020 06:27 AM
It will be a concern in May from what I understand because we store owners will also get 50,000 free listing in April so yes I am watching my numbers and going to be ready to put a lot in draft in May. Stay safe all of you
03-24-2020 06:30 AM
As I said in another post:
My thoughts are that I will certainly add some new listings, but will not go gungho and add 1000's of new listings. Doing so will create a new problem after the promo ends. I will not have enough free listings to continue relisting all of them. That means I will have to pay to relist, or let them die. Then the question is, was it worth the untold hours of creating them, only to let them die after a two month window of opportunity to increase sales. Since I don't list high $$ items, I don't feel all the time and work would be worth it.
Gotta go start scanning and listing. Hope this works well for everyone.
03-24-2020 06:41 AM
Just mark your calendar for June so you remember to end the extra listings that would put you over your regular monthly free insertions.
03-24-2020 07:00 AM
Oh Yes...post it notes on computer is my friend to help me remember!
03-24-2020 07:31 AM
Not sure why eBay is doing this as I am sure most sellers have had declines in sales , we noticed lower amounts being spent too. Not sure what the site visibility would do if everybody increases the number of listing as we do not use all we are allotted anyway. Did they say how they will prioritize the listings if you have overhead in the existing program, will they start by allowing the new free or use the old ones first.
Rather have seen a reduction in fees somehow rather than to increase the clutter on a already messed up system. Services have already been reduced on eBay and in general things will work far worse than they work now. The country is in slowdown and eBay wants to give you 50K in more listings ?
03-24-2020 07:51 AM
This is a clever appeasement to thousands of loyal store "owners". I will take advantage of this offer to some extent, yet what I would really like to see is all the stolen listings and photos returned that went "poof" because they were taking up server space for more than 90 days. For those of us who downsized our stores it was unavoidable that we lost thousands of hours of time when hundreds of listing were exterminated every month. My mistake was not pulling the cancelled inventory so that I could track the dead stock for new photos. I have about 85,000 items in inventory and for ten years would rotate seasonal items as needed. What ebay didn't understand by asking us to relist within 90 days is that holidays come once per year! Why would I relist my unsold Christmas inventory in April or my Easter items in July. It's a cluster. I still cancel most GTC items up to seven days before the 30 days have passed so that is not a concern. That work around has become as natural as sighing every time a new ebay "update" email arrives.
03-24-2020 08:28 AM
I agree jay, I fall into that same hole.
03-24-2020 08:35 AM
If you are worried to go over your allowed amount. I always end my listings manually after 30 days for all sorts of adjustments. Use it, it might help getting more sales.
03-24-2020 08:44 AM
Thank you Ebay. I appreciate the free listings. 🙂
03-24-2020 08:49 AM
03-24-2020 08:57 AM
Hi Handy,
I end my slow moving items each morning, it goes with my coffee ritual. I list new stuff or relist everyday, I don't do mine all at one time. I know it's more time consuming but it's just my way of doing things. Then I keep an eye on how many of my 1,000 I've use and that way I know how many I need to end, relist or list.
03-24-2020 09:08 AM
Juliet, that is exactly how I do it and on the 29th of Feb. I ended 58 items was able to return them yesterday with this offer, sure it is going to happen again in May but they will be out there for another 2 months. everybody please stay safe and hope that tomorrow when EBay makes the next announcement it is worth it.