03-02-2020 03:04 AM
I have a potential buyer who asked me to cancel a bid as she’d bought the same item from another seller. I did cancel that bid.
Today I have another message from the same buyer asking to cancel her bid on a different item I’m selling for the same reason and I really don’t feel inclined to this time. Any thoughts?
03-02-2020 03:23 AM
My thoughts on whether two cancel her bid that is up to you.
you can 1/ cancel her bid as before 2/ not cancel her bid after all she may still me out bid.
3/ remind buyer of watch list option until she decides if she wants item or not. 4/ Refuse and refer her to eBay 4 Assistance,
Personally , I would be vote for not to cancel bid and refer buyer to eBay for assistance and add her to my BBL
03-02-2020 03:33 AM
My first impulse would be to decline the request. However, in consideration of all the potential problems this buyer could create I would just cancel the bid and the put her on your block list so that you don't have to deal with her again. Frankly she would have been on my block list after the first time.
03-02-2020 03:49 AM
03-02-2020 04:33 AM
Imagine what a pain in the neck this person could be to deal with as a buyer! Of course you should cancel the bid. And don't forget to put them on your BBL this time.
Cancel bid: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?CancelBidShow
Block bidder: http://offer.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?BidderBlockLogin
03-02-2020 04:38 AM
Do yourself a favour,
cancel and block,
the bidder is trouble..
03-02-2020 04:59 AM
Is it not possible for them to retract their bid? I always prefer it go on their record if possible.
03-02-2020 06:11 AM
Block block block....and then block some more, with a tad of block added.
03-02-2020 10:28 AM
I would have blocked her after the first request.
03-02-2020 10:36 AM
03-02-2020 06:04 PM
If I went to a local auction and suddenly told the auctioneer to negate my bid(s), I'd never be welcomed back.
Which is exactly what most posters are saying here: Block the time waster after cancelling.
Every other method uses up the seller's time and energy.
Also-- if she is bidding with you then buying elsewhere, perhaps your products are not suitable for Auction and would sell better as Fixed Price, perhaps even Immediate Payment Required.