02-01-2022 03:08 PM
There was a wonderful Podcast earlier today on the subject of 1099Ks. I would encourage sellers to take the time to go and listen to it or read the transcript, whichever is best for you. It is worth the time. Even if you think that you have a handle on the subject, it might just clarify something for you.
There was just a few things I'd like to clarify that come up in the Podcast.
There was discussion of what a SSN, TIN and EIN are. EIN is for Corporations and/or LLC. SSN & TIN is for individuals and sole proprietorships. A TIN is NOT exactly like an SSN. It is another number you can apply for from the IRS in order for you to help protect giving out your SSN. You can apply for the use of a TIN.
Throughout the Podcast Manish refers to Sales as to what the dollar figure reported on the 1099Ks and it is NOT sales. As many of us know, if we have a sale, sometimes the buyer simply doesn't ever pay. These non paid sales do NOT ever appear on a 1099K. 1099K's are reporting TOTAL MONEY received.
The $$ represented on a 1099K by Ebay or any other money processor is for how much MONEY was received into your account BEFORE any type of deduction to include refunds. 1099K represent your GROSS RECEIPTS before refunds of any kind for any reasons.
So in the Podcast, keep that in mind. Your 1099K is NOT reporting your Sales nor is it totally about your sales. It is all about the MONEY you received and was processed by the Money Processor, in this case Ebay.
This statement was made in the Podcast, while not wrong, I just thought a little more clarity was needed. "So you won't owe any taxes on something you sell for less than what you paid for it." This is specifically regarding those that sell only there personal stuff. I know for some that may have been crystal clear but others it may not have been and this is such an important point for MANY Casual Sellers.
"I'll add one final note on this subject of $600 threshold. It is calculated based on the date on which your item sold and not the date on which you received money in your account which may sometimes be different." First I don't think anyone is getting their money the same day a buyer pays, not in MP anyway. Second, the amount that appears as your Net Receipts on your Ebay 1099K is NOT based on your sale date / transaction date. That is incorrect. It is based on the Payout / Settlement date. The date MP releases your Payout to you. That is the date Ebay uses to calculate the Gross Receipts for each seller.
So this means if you are a seller that gets a Weekly Payout. In 2021 your last Payout was 12/28/21. So the remaining sales you had in 2021 will appear on your 2022 1099K.
In the Podcast they refer to the Ebay FAQs on the 1099K, here is the link.
02-03-2022 03:43 AM
thanks for your help! i am checking this page a few times each day but still nothing. keep up the good posts on the forum very helpful to us alll
02-03-2022 08:08 AM
@mam98031 wrote:
You may disagree with that being the reason that Ebay released 1099Ks to California sellers at a $600 threshold, but whatever reason there was they did it. Ebay has verified this and are looking into it. I don't know how important it is to find out why they did it.
But even though they did, it really should not be a big deal. Even money made on Ebay less than $600 is suppose to be reported on our Federal income tax reports.
1) I don't disagree with the reason eBay issued those CA 1099K's because I don't know what the reason is. EBay has made no announcement, explanation, no sorry-for-the-inconvenience. No nothing.
2) It is a big deal because when TurboTax asks about 1099's received for 2021 I must give an accurate answer and I don't know whether eBay has sent that 1099K to the IRS, the Franchise Tax Board, or both.
3) I have paid taxes on my business income (B&M and online) for the last 40 years.
02-03-2022 08:16 AM
@mam98031 wrote:
@tealt wrote:
@shipscript wrote:Because I am in California, I find this state-website ambiguity most disturbing. Either eBay has reviewed the actual law and is ignoring the "typos" in the state, or else eBay has missed the mark on this one.
We've asked eBay for clarification of both missing 1099s, for those who do qualify, and this strange situation that is not listed on eBay pages. Staff says they are collecting names of those affected.
Thank you for posting this.
How do I get my name on the list of those who shouldn't (as far as I can tell) have gotten a 1099K until next year?
Why do you need to be on the list? What impact is the 1099K having on you?
The Impact will be on the accuracy of our 2021 income tax returns.
TurboTax will ask about 1099K's received for 2021 and the answer must be accurate. Otherwise, our return will require back-and-forth hassle with the income tax collecting agencies.
Because eBay is providing zero information about those 1099k's that have appeared, I have no idea if they have been transmitted to the IRS, CA Franchise Tax Board, or both.
02-03-2022 10:35 AM
In your case, eBay need only send the 1099-K to the IRS and they will share that data with California.
The IRS has a sharing program called "Combined Federal/State Filing (CFSF)".
For states participating in this sharing program, anything sent to the Feds will be shared with the states.
As a California business, I have not had to submit any 1099 or W2 forms to the state in perhaps 20 years.
These states are in the sharing program:
These non-participating states requiring direct filing: IA, IL, KY, NY, OR, PA, RI, UT, VA, WV, VT, DC.
Then there are states with no income tax, so only the feds would get the 1099: AK, FL, NV, NH, SD, TN, TX, WA, WY.
However, some states in the data-sharing program would still require eBay to send forms directly to the state as shown on the chart on this page:
02-03-2022 10:57 AM
Thank you for posting that information. I think I probably knew all that on a subliminal level because we use Turbotax and file electronically. Nothing is mailed. Turbotax knows and follows the who-gets-what procedures.
Is there any word on WHY eBay sent these CA 2021 1099K's with a $600 threshold?
There must be tens of thousands of CA eBay sellers over that $600 threshold for 2021. These folks may have read the eBay announcements, etc about the 2022 1099k's, and would not be expecting anything until next year. Or, they have read nothing and will also be very surprised. I wouldn't have checked for mine if I didn't read these boards.
If those 1099K's have already been transmitted to the IRS & FTB, I'd hope eBay would make an announcement very soon, before some of those affected file their 2021 returns and are unaware that they have a 1099K in governments' "hands".
02-03-2022 11:31 AM
@coolections wrote:
@mam98031 wrote:I think there is a misunderstanding as @chapeau-noir is far more experienced in this and offers great advice. So I think there is some miscommunication here.
If you are buyer stuff to sell on Ebay or in any other place. Your income is taxable and you CAN deduct your legit expenses using the Schedule C of your Federal tax return.
You do NOT have to have a Business account on Ebay to be able to deduct your expenses from your sales on your Federal Tax Report.
That is where I am confused. I posted the same info and 3x now @chapeau-noir came back to let me know to stop posting misinformation which is exactly what you posted.
IDK what you are referring to. You would have to show me the posts.
02-03-2022 11:37 AM
@tealt wrote:
@mam98031 wrote:
You may disagree with that being the reason that Ebay released 1099Ks to California sellers at a $600 threshold, but whatever reason there was they did it. Ebay has verified this and are looking into it. I don't know how important it is to find out why they did it.
But even though they did, it really should not be a big deal. Even money made on Ebay less than $600 is suppose to be reported on our Federal income tax reports.
1) I don't disagree with the reason eBay issued those CA 1099K's because I don't know what the reason is. EBay has made no announcement, explanation, no sorry-for-the-inconvenience. No nothing.
2) It is a big deal because when TurboTax asks about 1099's received for 2021 I must give an accurate answer and I don't know whether eBay has sent that 1099K to the IRS, the Franchise Tax Board, or both.
3) I have paid taxes on my business income (B&M and online) for the last 40 years.
1. An announcement would NOT be the responsibility of Ebay to do. It is your state that passed a new law, it should be your state that is communicating with you. Ebay made no announcement for the dozen or so other states that have a 1099K requirement.
2. Oh they sent it to IRS. They were required to release them by 1/31/22. Part of that process is sending them off to IRS. I was unaware that Ebay had any requirement to send 1099Ks to a "Franchise board". Is that specific for your state?
3. Then it doesn't matter whether or not you got this 1099K. You would have reported all your income appropriately, so the 1099K will make no difference. Just make sure you reconcile it and keep your worksheets to prove it. You'll be fine.
02-03-2022 11:40 AM
Why? Why would your 2021 tax return be inaccurate? If you reported all your income, then you were accurate. The 1099K is just supporting documentation. As I said in my previous post, just make sure you reconcile it and keep your worksheets to prove you reported your income properly.
OK, then say Yes in TT and move forward.
Your last statement was answered in my previous post.
02-03-2022 11:40 AM
"Keep in mind you have MORE expenses to deduct that just your shipping charges and fees."
Yes, of course - I was just referring to the expenses that would be included in the amount the buyer pays. I think that's what's confusing sellers - eBay is serving multiple roles 1) payment processing company 2) shipping company and 3) sales platform, so it's difficult for someone who hasn't itemized business expenses before to sort it all out.
To find out which expenses related to selling goods on eBay are deductible, read the instructions for IRS Schedule C. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040sc.pdf If you use tax reporting software like Turbo Tax, the business version of the software will walk you through expenses and deductions also.
02-03-2022 11:47 AM
@shellistoys wrote:"Keep in mind you have MORE expenses to deduct that just your shipping charges and fees."
Yes, of course - I was just referring to the expenses that would be included in the amount the buyer pays. I think that's what's confusing sellers - eBay is serving multiple roles 1) payment processing company 2) shipping company and 3) sales platform, so it's difficult for someone who hasn't itemized business expenses before to sort it all out.
To find out which expenses related to selling goods on eBay are deductible, read the instructions for IRS Schedule C. https://www.irs.gov/pub/irs-pdf/i1040sc.pdf If you use tax reporting software like Turbo Tax, the business version of the software will walk you through expenses and deductions also.
Maybe some but most sellers should not be confused. It is unlikely this is the first year they have had to claim Ebay or internet income on their Federal Tax Report. Most sellers are not new to this process, so they should be well aware of what is an expense and what is income.
Granted getting a 1099K may be new for some but reporting their income on their Federal tax returns should not be.
02-03-2022 11:50 AM
Registering as a business with your state or locality, and receiving income that the IRS considers "business income" are two different things.
The IRS has rules for determining whether your non-wage income is from a hobby or a business. One of the key considerations is whether you're doing this activity with the intention of making a profit.
If it's from a hobby, you still are required to report it on your tax return, but you aren't able to deduct expenses. You also aren't required to pay self-employment tax, which while this lowers your tax bill, your income isn't used to calculate your eventual social security earnings.
02-03-2022 12:12 PM
The podcast was helpful. I think one thing could have been clearer. When they say all eBay sales, I am assuming that includes amounts collected for postage as well. So, the cost of postage is then deducted from income as fees would be. Unless of course the postage was less than collected and that becomes income.
02-03-2022 12:12 PM
1) But has California indeed passed a new law that requires these 1099K's to be sent? The state help pages on this subject are murky and almost contradictory, and I've received no notice from the state. I am waiting for some type of communication from eBay (an announcement? on one of the threads on this board?) about these 1099k's because shedding light on what it does on the site is eBay's responsibility.
2) So you are absolutely sure that those 1099K's have been sent to the IRS. That's good to know. The Franchise Tax Board is the California agency that collects income tax. Shipscript pointed out that information would be sent to the FTB by the IRS.
3) It does matter that I know about the existence of this 1099K. IRS bots check a return to make sure that all 1099's listed in a return match the IRS list. If those two lists don't match, I will be hearing from the IRS.
02-03-2022 12:13 PM
Yes it is, you are correct. States still share their information with IRS.
02-03-2022 12:16 PM
@glasser wrote:The podcast was helpful. I think one thing could have been clearer. When they say all eBay sales, I am assuming that includes amounts collected for postage as well. So, the cost of postage is then deducted from income as fees would be. Unless of course the postage was less than collected and that becomes income.
IMHO the easiest way to look at this is the Gross Receipts shown on your 1099K is the total MONEY that entered your MP account for the period. It does not take into considerations any kind of refund for any reason nor does it take into account any expenses. It is simply the TOTAL amount of money that entered your MP account.