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I am actually surprised ebay did this. Recently a buyer made a totally false statement in feedback he left for me. Nothing about his remark was true. I've got all the documentation saved to support my claim. So naturally I notified ebay about his remark. Then ebay replied that there wasn't anything they could do about it. What kind of **bleep** crap is that?? Before notifying ebay I read through many of the policys, rules, etc. and it plainly stated  any kind of untruth, false statements, etc is prohibited. This is absurd! I'm really beyond PO'd about this & I would like to take this further in upstairs management, if that's even possible. Has anybody ever had any luck in doing so? Because basically ebay is not playing by their own rules. I've been a seller for 20 yrs. & this is the first negative feedback I've gotten. Not that's any big deal it's the principle of the issue. Thanks for any suggestions or recommendations. 

Message 1 of 19
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It seems ebay makes the rules for others to follow, and the policies to give the appearances of high values and standards.  Then, they turn the 'bots loose to manage them, and mostly off-shore CS (who only have the power to read from a script) to handle one-on-one situations.  Industry standard, you understand.


(personal opinion - your mileage may vary)

Not saying 'NO' doesn't mean 'YES'.

The foolishness of one's actions or words is determined by the number of witnesses.

Perhaps if Brains were described as an APP, many people would use them more often.

Respect, like money, is only of 'worth' when it is earned - with all due respect, it can not be ordained, legislated or coerced. Anonymous
Message 2 of 19
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So the buyer really did not get what they ordered and you explained to them why they did not get what they ordered ? If that is the case it is no reason to have feedback removed.

Message 3 of 19
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There is an error in that feedback, the buyer said 3 weeks but you actually only strung them out for 2 weeks?


From the sounds of it you made a sale on Jan 14, on Jan 29th you informed the buyer you could not fill it and at that point sent them a refund (don't know the exact date for that).


Cancelling a paid for order because you cannot fill it is the most serious performance offence as far as eBay is concerned. Even if I have the details or the timeline off somewhat eBay because they don't use feedback to measure seller performance will only remove feedback when it violates specific policies.


Did you cancel the sale?



Message 4 of 19
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You're selling every day but only shipping twice a month, which is in this day and age... is pretty Stone Age. Buyers expect their (paid) stuff fast. Sure, you had the listings set up for that. But it's playing with fire, which you haven't evolved to fire yet, in that sense. Online buyers want Chop Chop Chop!


Maybe set them up as auctions (Ugh, that's rarely said!) so that they can end at a time soon before you can reasonably ship them? Like listings ending twice a month. Whenever you can ship and deliver sooner than a fortnight?

Message 5 of 19
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If you just talked to someone in CS, they haven't a clue what is going on and it seems they make up random answers. Honestly, I have no idea why eBay does this, but they do. If you want real answers, and real results. You need to reach out on Facebook or twitter. Twitter @askebay, Facebook eBay business. 

I have used this several times and gotten things done. 

Message 6 of 19
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@dei3racer163m wrote:

Recently a buyer made a totally false statement in feedback he left for me. Nothing about his remark was true. 

In your response to the feedback you say that you message the buyer on January 29th about a sale that happened on January 14. 


Can you give us a detailed explanation of exactly what happened during that 15-day period and afterward? 


a) Did you promptly ship the item and provide the buyer with a tracking number, and it somehow got lost? 

b) Did you ship nothing and wait 15 days before notifying the buyer that he wasn't getting his item? 

c) Or was it something else? 



Message 7 of 19
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As a seller with integrity you are totally expected by eBay to  ship the purchase so it can be delivered by the estimated delivery date show at the time of purchase.  Certainly no 3 weeks later.  No flim flam excuses allowed.  It was your listing, your expected handling time on record with eBay.  No   "shipping every other week"  in your description count' Shame on you.  FYI "IF" I was to buy one of these same items today the expected deliver from Oklahoma to Georgia is Feb. 14.   less than 1 week.  YOU NEED to adjust your  handling time if 2every other week is the best you can do.

"I have the right to remain silent but I didn't have the ability." Ron White, Fritch, Texas
"Stay away from negative people, they have a problem for every solution." A. Einstein
The Devil made me do it! - Flip Wilson
If the band can only play loud - they ain't no good - peps too J.R. Johnson
Message 8 of 19
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The feedback high court is now in session. We have...I know, it make me so a mad! for days, then that feeling went away, and, it's really ok. because if you keep selling, it goes off the page and people will really have to look hard for that bulship negitive feedback, and when they find it and read it, they can compare it to the good feedback you have, and find out its just a chronic bartch! ok, im done, I hope that helped you.

Message 9 of 19
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I think eBay is right to leave the neg in place, and here's why:


Let's say the buyer accepted your "ships every other Friday" terms.  Of course, he could not know what Friday would be your next shipping Friday, since he doesn't know when you began the "every other Friday" sequence.  So, since he bought the mic on Jan. 14, he would expect it to ship that day, or the 21st, or the 28th.


You waited until the 29th to tell him the mic was unavailable.  Why?  Why did you wait for three weeks to tell him that and to refund his money?  Whether or not he looked at his messages, he had every right to neg you for that.



Message 10 of 19
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No I refunded the whole amount he paid. Merchandise was never shipped.

Message 11 of 19
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Yes I did cancel the order because there was a mistake in my inventory. Buyer received a full refund.

Message 12 of 19
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I was in the hospital because I had contacted Covaid.

Message 13 of 19
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Thank you so much.

Message 14 of 19
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Some people are infrequent buyers. They either don't know about getting messages on eBay, don't care, or maybe these messages go to their email spam folder. Or, maybe they think it's just more eBay messages that they don't care about.


I get worried when I send a buyer a message and don't get a reply. Though, I guess there isn't much you could do about it other than mailing them a postcard.


Still, I'd be as concerned with the out of stock ding as I would be about the negative.

Message 15 of 19
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