12-21-2021 06:39 AM
Looks like the small seller on ebay is now going to have that last nail in the coffin to stop selling on ebay. It used to be a great place to make some extra money, but I have been finally priced out. Overhead like, cost of item, fees, and the ultra high USPS postage changes over the last few years (price by area of the country, and the biggest scam of Christmas surcharge that starts OCT 1st of each year now, retired mailman here, NEVER have I delivered xmas mail in Oct or Nov!), makes a profit margin of only 10% not worth it,,,,even more so only to be taxed over 600.00 grass sales. zero money to be had anymore. Yes, just increase your price, most would say,,,,well after 22 years on ebay I know what prices people are willing to pay,,,,,an increased price is not part of the fix....
Solved! Go to Best Answer
01-29-2022 04:49 PM - last edited on 10-05-2022 04:48 PM by kh-gary
big time correct,,,thats my point I was trying to make,,,,,,all these giving up 80% in overhead being the good tax paying citizens they are,,,,,,are wasting there time,,,lol
01-29-2022 04:52 PM
and thats fine, it's time to go, no problem,,,,,,pay your taxes, feed the USPS and ebay all your profits, leaving you with what 20%,,,not worth it......AND wasn't asking for sympathy clown, never said it!
04:58 PM
- last edited on
08:22 AM
01-29-2022 04:59 PM
01-29-2022 05:01 PM
HUH? THE 600.00 THRESHOLD JUST BECOME LAW LIKE 4 WEEKS AGO,,,since 1970's,,,,,,lol
01-29-2022 05:15 PM - last edited on 10-05-2022 04:47 PM by kh-gary
I'm willing to bet that people that didn't get 1099's in the past didn't filed anything,,,,,so yes,,,,,those that sold below the threshold will be leaving as ebay is not a source to make any money anymore,,,,,,might thing it is,,but now is a waste of time.....heck one can make more money at any of the new 15.00 an hour jobs part time...... KNOW how i know,,,,,I did a test,,,working at home depot for the past 3 months, four hours a day, 3 days a week, make more than a good week on ebay sales,,,AND don't have to deal with bidders, trying to rip me off, usps not scanning, not delivering, stupid messages, open cases,,,,,,,etc,,,,much happier.
01-29-2022 05:19 PM
not silly at all, matter of principle,,,,,,and YES,,,already closed my store, cancelled all auctions, etc.....strictly a buyer now if I need something,,,,,,,all the lower/middle class have always paid more than our fair share, while big corporations pay ZERO,,,no more, my final stand, nobody gets a penny from me while others get rich!
01-29-2022 05:20 PM
I agree.
01-29-2022 11:11 PM - last edited on 10-05-2022 04:46 PM by kh-gary
@rdd2658 wrote:
All you replied about was taxes, obviously missed all the points.......My business model is fine, been doing it for 23 years!,,,,,,,the fact is I can't absorb all the overhead to cover rising costs, raising the price don't work, tried, people don't buy........yes the 600.00 tax thing **bleep** me off,,,,but it's mostly the USPS and now with the xmas surcharge 2 months before xmas,,,,come on now...AND before anyone wants to defend the USPS ripping people off,,,,,I am retired USPS clerk and mailman! Some sellers, think lowering a price to make 25 cents is a good business model,,,. No one makes money then.......On average I'm making a dollar, whereas over the years I made far, far more, especially 1998-2005, downhill since 2005. Not worth it anymore..........
That two month surcharge USPS does isn't liked by too many people. I am always glad when it is over.
Honestly if a certain business model works for others, then that is what is important. They are happy and it works for them. We are not all the same. Not everything I do would likely work for you and the other way around too. It doesn't make me wrong and it doesn't make you wrong.
Many of us use primarily USPS as our shipper, so each and every year we deal with the changes. I've been here for over 20 years and have done fine on this site. Sometimes I have to drop certain products and find others that sell better, but then that is just part of business. Buyers change over time.
Whatever you do I hope it works well for you.
01-29-2022 11:14 PM
The thresholds on a 1099K form are just that. The minimum requirement for that FORM. It does NOT set the minimum requirement for claiming your sales on your Federal Income tax report. IRS has NO minimum amount for claiming income. So those that have been earning $600 to $19,999 in sales in previously years should have always been reporting their income.
01-29-2022 11:16 PM - last edited on 10-05-2022 04:49 PM by kh-gary
@rdd2658 wrote:
big time correct,,,thats my point I was trying to make,,,,,,all these giving up 80% in overhead being the good tax paying citizens they are,,,,,,are wasting there time,,,lol
Our tax rates in this country are no where near that high. Keep in mind you do not pay income tax on your Gross Sales. You do get to take deductions for costs to arrive at your Net Sales.
01-29-2022 11:20 PM - last edited on 10-05-2022 04:48 PM by kh-gary
@rdd2658 wrote:
I'm willing to bet that people that didn't get 1099's in the past didn't filed anything,,,,,so yes,,,,,those that sold below the threshold will be leaving as ebay is not a source to make any money anymore,,,,,,might thing it is,,but now is a waste of time.....heck one can make more money at any of the new 15.00 an hour jobs part time...... KNOW how i know,,,,,I did a test,,,working at home depot for the past 3 months, four hours a day, 3 days a week, make more than a good week on ebay sales,,,AND don't have to deal with bidders, trying to rip me off, usps not scanning, not delivering, stupid messages, open cases,,,,,,,etc,,,,much happier.
You are likely right, some will leave. But this rule is NOT for Ebay ONLY. It affects ALL money processors. Every single one of them.
FYI Thank you for your service. Please don't assume you are the ONLY one here than has served our country in one way or another. That is simply a mistake.
01-30-2022 11:08 PM - last edited on 10-05-2022 04:50 PM by kh-gary
@rdd2658 wrote:
KNOW how i know,,,,,I did a test,,,working at home depot for the past 3 months, four hours a day, 3 days a week, make more than a good week on ebay sales,,,AND don't have to deal with bidders, trying to rip me off, usps not scanning, not delivering, stupid messages, open cases,,,,,,,etc,,,,much happier.
I've started investing in crypto, NFTs and working more on Uber Eats. More freedom, less stressful and even more money. Don't miss it.
01-30-2022 11:11 PM
@rdd2658 wrote:not silly at all, matter of principle,,,,,,and YES,,,already closed my store, cancelled all auctions, etc.....strictly a buyer now if I need something,,,,,,,all the lower/middle class have always paid more than our fair share, while big corporations pay ZERO,,,no more, my final stand, nobody gets a penny from me while others get rich!
All of the highlighted parts will be the consensus of millions of sellers over the next few years.
Sad part is, not even eBay's fault.
01-31-2022 09:18 PM
As a small seller just selling things I no longer need, they just put me out of business.