12-08-2024 01:59 PM
So I have an iPhone listed and have had zero (literally zero) interest. I did receive a negative feedback within the last week which I suspect is a large part of this.
Regardless, I received a message from a user who has been registered since 2017. He has zero feedback which I assume just means no purchases/sales within the past 12 months. He shoots me a message asking if I would accept an offer at £10 off my listed price. Given it's made crystal clear I'm accepting offers, this seems odd to me.
Surely if you were going to make an offer, it would be for more than £10? Before I engage further, am I right to think this is unusual?
12-08-2024 02:07 PM
I don't see anything wrong with a buyer asking for $10 off.
12-08-2024 02:09 PM
so far seems OK. At least he didn't ask for it for free ....YET
12-08-2024 02:13 PM
It's your decision what you want to do. You are selling high valued item at your own risk. I see you are from the UK. Would this phone be shipped outside the UK? You may want to think about that before shipping outside your country. Even within your country is a risk but it can be a higher risk outside.
12-08-2024 02:33 PM
I don't ship outside the UK. I have done before but for lower value items.
iPhones have network limitations anyway.
12-08-2024 02:41 PM
IMO offering an iPhone for sale on Ebay means that you are not risk adverse.
I do not consider a zero FB buyer to be any higher risk than any other buyer based on my years spent selling on the site.
I find a buyer seeking a small discount odd if the goal is scamming you out of the total amount. Perhaps it is camouflage more likely just cheapness.
I would never offer the phone, so my recommendation to block the buyer would be irrelevant and I recommend you decide whether to double down on your risky decision.
12-08-2024 02:44 PM
Check eBay buyer ID country in their 0 feedbacks section.
If from another country I would block the buyer immediately.
Let's be honest here ...cell phones are available for sale in most countries...buyer can buy a cellphone in their country with a guarantee.
If you don't do "make an offer."..I would not reply to the buyer.
If you had like 100+ items for sale I can see maybe thinking about it.
12-08-2024 02:49 PM - edited 12-08-2024 02:51 PM
I've sold countless phones on ebay and not had a single issue. same with higher value, fragile, items like guitars.
This user has no feedback, country is UK.
I guess if I was the buyer in that situation I'd just submit my offer and see what happened.