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Ebay fees are practically extortion. Now seller protection is gone. Time to leave Ebay forever.

Been on Ebay for 17 years. All I can say is fees, fees, and more fees. They have gone beyond ridiculous and now are just insane. It is no longer possible for the average seller to sell anything on Ebay. Count on at least a 15% commission and then you must hope and pray that the buyer doesn't file a claim against you. Why you say? because Ebay will automatically refund their money if they file a claim. And now since you must have a bank account linked to your seller account they can take the money right out of your account without even asking.

That's a deal breaker for me. I have never really even had any issues with a buyer but I will not take the risk they are forcing me to take just to sell some items on Ebay. It time for me to find another source for selling my things that won't take me to the cleaners. 


Good bye Ebay

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