01-09-2023 07:58 AM
Hi Folks, I got a private message from Kevin Reeth who is the original founding CEO of Outright which became Go daddy bookeeping. He is developing a new program that should be a simple and fantastic to use for ebay etsy, etc sellers. You can look up his beta test site it is called SellerLedger.com. If many of you were having huge problems like me with the transition to Intuit Quickbooks, and I am still having problems dealing with this program, you might want to explore getting back onto a simple easy to use system like before. I am assuming he needs many people who would be interested in this so you can sign up there.
03-12-2023 08:09 PM
thank you
03-12-2023 11:40 PM - edited 03-12-2023 11:43 PM
@market954 wrote:So happy to find out about this news!!! I hated how Go Daddy just sent ONE email announcing the end. I discovered he email 6 months later lol!! Left in the dust!! I'll try to solve my accounting with this now... Thanks so much!! Does anybody know if is possible to upload Amazon's data as well from Ebays?
I was really ticked off when GoDaddy Online Bookkeeping threw many thousands of us under the bus last June.
Kevin contacted me an a few other eBay sellers in January, and I've been beta testing the site and giving him and his development team a lot of feedback since then. It's really taking shape and is planning on public launch in the near future.
Right now Kevin and his team is making sure everything is up to par with eBay data and its accuracy & proper organization at Seller Ledger. The numbers for the entire year of 2022 were right on the money for me, and I'm currently doing manual entry of COGs and mileage for this year. They recently added bank accounts, credit cards and PayPal, and are working on expanding into Amazon, Etsy, etc... just give them a little time.
In the next few pages of this Seller Tools forum you will find more posts with information on Seller Ledger. All eBay sellers are encouraged to try it out for free while in beta test. I believe it's the real thing, so go for it.
Cheers, Duffy
03-16-2023 02:22 PM
Thank you for this information. I just discovered that GoDaddy had shut the ebay program down! Also, I have checked and confirmed that I received a partial refund for last year. I don't remember any notification...unbelievable! I just started looking for a replacement and found this. Definitely makes you feel better when you see something recognizable. It took me a minute looking for a print button before I finally just right clicked to print. I will probably be spending tomorrow filling in expenses, but from the way I felt a couple of hours ago...it's all good! I don't know if it can pull all of the information from 2022, because I didn't do any ebay the first half of 2022, but it got everything I did do for the second half. Thanks again! sellerledger.com
03-19-2023 04:58 PM
THANK YOU i have been losing my mind with the QuickBooks. Im feeling a bit better now that I see im not the only one. I have paid them so much money., for nothing I can not figure a darn thing. They are highway robbers
03-19-2023 06:07 PM
I have been using salesledger a few days now. It is very basic very simple. Its perfect for my needs. I cant wait to dump quickbooks. Easy muti ebay account integration. no bells and whistles just a simple stable accounting program.
03-19-2023 06:14 PM
ditto 😁
03-19-2023 06:18 PM
that would be wonderful if they will eventually add other sites. GoDaddy did Etsy as well . Having the 2 combined saved lots of time . For now i am adding the total amounts for the major categories, sales etc under a sub income categories just to get as much info as i can on 2022.
good luck to all as we plug away cursing Go Daddy 🙂
03-19-2023 10:17 PM - edited 03-19-2023 10:22 PM
@Anonymous wrote:THANK YOU i have been losing my mind with the QuickBooks. Im feeling a bit better now that I see im not the only one. I have paid them so much money., for nothing I can not figure a darn thing. They are highway robbers
I hear your frustration with QuickBooks. I remember I was really ticked off when GoDaddy threw me and many other eBay sellers under the bus last June, and how many of us were pulling our hair out trying to get QB to work. The big mistake that was made was the ill-advised agreement with Intuit QB to push its software on us sellers as a replacement that the majority of us didn't need.
Actually, I don't think QuickBooks are highway robbers. I believe that QB is meant for the heavy and complicated accounting needs of major eBay selling entities with employees, payroll, invoicing needs, etc, whereas the vast majority of sellers here just don't need all of its capabilities. We have always needed something sweet and simple - not an expensive accounting system that we only would use 10% of. That's what GoDaddy and its predecessor Outright were for the majority of us.
Now, Seller Ledger is filling that void that GoDaddy's demise left us with.
I'm one of the early Beta testers and consultants that Kevin Reeth contacted at the beginning of this year, and I gladly volunteered my services in order to get simplified and user-friendly software developed that we need. It's getting better every day. I've been using it for a few months now, and SL's numbers gleaned from eBay for the entire year of 2022 were right on the mark and in agreement with my 2022 taxes I filed.
I'm looking forward to SL's future plans of connecting to Amazon, Etsy, and others. Just be patient.
Please use it and continue spreading the word...
Cheers, Duffy
03-24-2023 12:20 PM
thank you again now i can play this game for a while longer 🙂
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