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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was about to jump off a cliff when on Monday 22nd 2021 they removed the "CLASSIC VIEW" link from my seller page. After going out into deep water , I made a discovery that I want to share with people like me. In the new seller hub, the seller hub "OVERVIEW" is the default page. 2 selections over is the "LISTINGS" link.....if you hover over it, it will branch out a window with all of the options. Select "ACTIVE" !!!! Suddenly, everything will come into view.... all of your listings will appear with all of the check boxes and options to "END" or "RE-LIST" in Bulk !!!  Alternatively, when you "opt OUT" of the seller hub, you are sent to a page with NO CHECK BOXES of functionality as with the new seller hub. NO IDEA why they give you an "opt out" to send you somewhere with limited function.... makes NO SENSE and causes confusion.  I hope I helped someone !!!

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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

When I go to the Old Sold Page it shows I have had no sales.  Even though I had a whopping eight since January!   As usual eBay rolls out updates without testing it.  So many errors and bugs.  Shameful.

If it works eBay will change it and add fees for the seller.

Bring back Classic MY eBay ONE PAGE!

Use the FEEDBACK on your Summary page to tell them we hate it!

I've reached that age where my brain goes from "you probably shouldn't say that." To "what the heck, let's see what happens. "
Message 91 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

As far as I can tell, I only see the option in the " My Ebay Active" page when you "opt out" of the seller hub. Go to seller hub main page and select "OVERVIEW"... then, look to the right of page and choose " opt out of seller hub" .... follow the pictures from 1 through 5 (attached)... hope it helps. I'm on a desktop PC.... no idea what it looks like on a phone.





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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

thank you thank you thank you !!!!!! I am 70 and just can't figure this stuff out. I wonder why that off shore ebay rep I talked to couldn't tell me how to do that.

Message 93 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )


Hang in there!  If you can manage eBay sales, you can manage the hub.  Just keep asking for help when you need it!  

Message 94 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )


Message 95 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

AMEN !!!!!!!!

Message 96 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

You can "end all items" in the seller hub. If you are in "my ebay selling Overview"... > Switch to new All Selling view (upper right page) SWITCH TOOLS to be in Seller Hub. Select> LISTINGS  .... scroll down and all of your listings will be down there where you can Delete/Relist (YOU MAY OR MAY NOT HAVE TO LET IT BRANCH DOWN AND CHOOSE "ACTIVE"). "Items per page selector" is lower right and max is still 200. Hope this helps ....P.S. THIS IS A NIGHTMARE !!!!  Give us ALL the CLASSIC SELLER PAGE BACK......THIS IS NOT MAKING US PRODUCTIVE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Message 97 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )


Our internal studies show that sellers gain just under 3% productivity via use of the Seller Hub.  Please hang in there.

Message 98 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

I am a small seller but I look at my listing alot and the old for stupid people classic view was better period +

Message 99 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

You are funny.

I am smart!! Got papers to prove it! LOL

Maybe it's the smart staying on top of things sellers who like classic view better!😄😄

Message 100 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

I used to work at a warehouse. I mainly was in the picking department.  Every once in a while we had a meeting where all of the workers stopped their work and made the long walk to the lobby from wherever they were in the humongous building and all sat down for about an hour give and take depending on the meeting importance. Half of the meeting really did pertain to all of us workers, and sometimes we could have a questions and answers segment. The other half of the meeting was devoted to the company's dashboard. This is where they talked about most of the numbers, jargon, and other things the average workers had nothing to do with, and nothing really pertaining to workers moving boxes, picking or shipping.  Some people actually fell asleep at the meetings sometimes because they were working hard and got this chance to sit down in a comfortable room. 


Also at this time, an approximate 150 workers per shift were not  of course producing, or getting work done for the company. The company knows or is suppsed to know what is best for the company, and the workers did not complain because they got a break from their work. 


Work is work at a job. An average worker works his or her shift, and goes home. Once the day is done, it is done. The work is not anything that the worker owns, and will be there tomorrow, even if he is not. 

So what is happening here at Ebay? We are at a board meeting now when we log in. We have numbers and performance put in front of us, and everything is a command. List, Add Item Specifics, Send Offer, Relist, and so on. Everything seems a little less fun, and of course we have to learn to re-navigate which takes up time. The suggestion of the seller hub in this thread is good, the check boxes are back. I can now bulk unlist again, however the time left on the listing is gone and I have to click on each listing to see how much time is left. It is clear that Ebay wants to collect more and more 35 cents for automatic re-listing and I am sure one day it will be mandatory that a listing cannot be ended. 


There is some good in the new way. It will not change back, even if 95 of the sellers leave bad feedback about it, so why complain or leave feedback. We will just have to get used to it, maybe it will work out. 

I do find it funny that everything else about the site did not change. They did not change the way buyers see items, because the buyers of course are very important to Ebay, and Ebay would not like to disrupt them. However if 95 percent of sellers struggle with this new way, spend time looking at statistics and commands that prevent them from actually listing items, the buyers may not have as much to buy. Will those statistics also be put on our selling screen, for us to feel responsible about the decline of Ebay's sales and stock prices?




Message 101 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

Someone tinkered with the page HTML and found these workaround links to the classic views.
They are all currently working when I try them.

I would urge everyone who prefers the classic view to click the link on each page on the right that says "tell us what you think" and tell them what you think. That you prefer that classic view - and to provide a linked option to that classic view somewhere on the Ebay home page.




Message 102 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )


Message 103 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

You ask ....."why can't the offshore Rep tell you how to do that? " SIMPLE ANSWER >> Ebay hires technical people who program and work computers... BUUUUUUUUUUT !!!....... NONE of them ever sold a thing on Ebay..... I ask them every time I call and NONE of them EVER sold on Ebay. They program the system with a myopic view of making connections within the system with ZERO consideration to what a person needs as a Seller. The customer Rep's.... SAME THING.... ZERO SELLER EXPERIENCE and no frame of reference to give you an answer that is based in experience and LOGIC.

Message 104 of 127
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NEVER FEAR ... "CLASSIC VIEW" Still there BURIED !!!! kind of... in Seller HUB ( 3-28-2021 )

@dying2live333 wrote:

Ladies and Gentlemen, I was about to jump off a cliff when on Monday 22nd 2021 they removed the "CLASSIC VIEW" link from my seller page. After going out into deep water , I made a discovery that I want to share with people like me. In the new seller hub, the seller hub "OVERVIEW" is the default page. 2 selections over is the "LISTINGS" link.....if you hover over it, it will branch out a window with all of the options. Select "ACTIVE" !!!! Suddenly, everything will come into view.... all of your listings will appear with all of the check boxes and options to "END" or "RE-LIST" in Bulk !!!  Alternatively, when you "opt OUT" of the seller hub, you are sent to a page with NO CHECK BOXES of functionality as with the new seller hub. NO IDEA why they give you an "opt out" to send you somewhere with limited function.... makes NO SENSE and causes confusion.  I hope I helped someone !!!

And they use huge computer screens to develop the software.  NEVER seeing what it would look like on a laptop or small screen.  The Tiny Print is too hard to read and If you zoom your page to 120% or more you have to use the bar at the bottom to slide the page side to side.  Hovering to see a full title DOESN'T WORK ANYMORE!   HORRIBLE DESIGN!

I've reached that age where my brain goes from "you probably shouldn't say that." To "what the heck, let's see what happens. "
Message 105 of 127
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