06-08-2021 10:01 AM
I have sat online with ebay "Chat" forever and keep getting nowhere. I need to know if there is a way in the seller hub to filter out my sales in only my state from all my sales. I know how to request reports quarterly, but I need to know if there is a way to filter out by address for one state so I can pay the appropriate taxes without having to open each sale and looking at the state and writing it down by hand. With paypal, the state was listed on the report on each sale - i don't see this on the option with seller hub.
06-08-2021 10:09 AM
Ah, eBay should be collecting all sales taxes and forwarding them to the proper state. You don't have to do it.
06-08-2021 10:12 AM
Unless you are in MO, KS or FL, you don't need to pay sales taxes as ebay does it automatically for all the other states but those three.
I don't know of a way to get the info you want; perhaps another poster with more knowledge will come along.
06-09-2021 04:25 PM
Thanks for posting.
As others have noted, you shouldn't have to worry about sales taxes as we remit them directly to state governments, with the exception of a few states.
However, you can get a report that includes buyer state, that you can easily sort from, using the new Seller Hub Reports tab:
Buyer State is column J. Hope this helps!
05-03-2022 03:04 PM
Thank you, it's what I was looking for....
05-18-2022 11:18 AM
This is helpful, but only goes back 3 months. Any way of looking at a whole year?
05-18-2022 08:38 PM
In Seller Hub > Payments > Reports
You can bracket the time frame. The report has a column for State.
eBay will report the taxes it collected and remitted for your state.
05-18-2022 08:45 PM
Excellent, I'll give that a go in the morning, thank you!
05-19-2022 04:37 AM
Are you referring to state sales tax? Usually eBay handles that job for you.
05-20-2022 10:44 AM
Hey again, just wanted to say thank you a second time, that's exactly what I needed. I appreciate you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
05-20-2022 01:03 PM
You're welcome!
01-11-2023 10:41 AM
The problem is, Texas requires us to file Texas sales subject to tax even if the sales tax was collected by a third party. So, we need to be able separate out Texas sales, but eBay does not have this feature currently from what I can tell.
01-11-2023 07:13 PM
You should be able to sort your report by the State column
01-17-2023 09:50 AM
except they only let you go back 90 days XD
01-17-2023 10:31 AM
The "Payments" report in this screenshot allows bracketing a year or more:
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