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File exchange brick wall, is every variation really an "action"?

We uploaded a file that showed 4875 actions. When it actually counted the unique listings it shows only 51 as the #. Unfortunately we had an error for bad category but now it says we are over the daily limit which seems to the 4875 being used to count actions.

Have already requested an increase previously but no luck yet.


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File exchange brick wall, is every variation really an "action"?

You have one or many linefeeds in your descriptions. When FE sees a linefeed, it trys to process what it has for that item, then reads in another line until it finds another linefeed, then processes that.


This often happens when a member copies/creates descriptions in a word processor.


Look at the file in NotePad. You will see small black squares where the linefeeds are. Delete these.


There are also Excel commands that will do this in bulk for you. Substitute is one.


Example..Create a column next to the description, name it Description, name the original...bob (use anything but a FE column name), then place this command in the new column


=substitute(d2,char(10),"")  <- where d2 is the value in 'bob2', char(10) is the code for a linefeed, and "" is the value to replace it with


Now copy that formula down the column.


Recreate your csv and upload.

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