08-15-2022 02:03 PM
FYI Charged a special Duration fee $1 . I had item up for few months, no views , Changed category, Changed title a couple times. JKC Jacqueline Kent Fairy Godmother May's Emerald "Love" Doll #345105 w/Box was title. Could not find the listing among all the others. The last time I looked , from another computer, still did find . Than somehow I got a message , about a special duration fee, looked that up , $ 1 , WOW, than it said it was in an AdULT group area. Mercy! Looked and looked, others were same as mine . I removed the "Love" from the title ( which I had used from one that was up for sale , as similar, to save typing.) Bingo , came up regular and was sold ! Guess that is why cost $1.00 for special duration? All the changes and new stuff coming out. Question if we will keep our store in it, becoming a bit complicated . Plus getting answers is harder also. Bottom line didn't have clue it was in Adult area. still not sure why we got a $1 charge
08-15-2022 04:31 PM
The times it didn't sell, were you running 1 -day or 3-day Auctions? I ask, because that's listed here under 'Optional listing upgrades'. If not, I'd have no idea why you were charged a Special Duration fee. Hmmm...
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