05-20-2021 11:07 AM
I had a return case closed and ruled against me on May 12, 2021 after the buyer didn't accept the partial refund I offered. From there I tried to purchase return shipping from eBay to get the item back, but the controls to do that in the resolution center were grayed out. I had a specialist call me on May 16th to purchase and create the shipping label. Since then I have not received and status updates or even a tracking number. It's been 4 days since the return shipping was created by ebay. How long until can the buyer hold on to the item (an expensive Laptop) ?
05-20-2021 11:15 AM
I should note eBay began holding my payouts on may5th, 2021 the day the buyer asked for a return. My sales are way in excess of the value of the return - meaning the money ebay has frozen is greater than the return. Meanwhile, I'm continuing to sell items and purchasing shipping from eBay. From my perspective I'm paying eBay to give away products. I've spoken to specialists about this to free up the payouts, which never happened according to the specialist. I'm running a huge deficit if I continue to sell with my payouts frozen. A brick and mortar would have to close shop at this point. Has this happened to anyone else ?