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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

To quote eBay's own policies.....


Fraudulent or abusive buyer behavior
  • Falsely claiming an item was not as described
In addition to the consequences described in the user agreement, we reserve the right to indefinitely suspend an individual's coverage under eBay Money Back Guarantee and impose any other sanctions we may deem necessary including issuing warnings, blocking a buyer's ability to request returns or refunds on eBay and account suspension.
Except in reality, eBay ignores this.  I sold a laptop. Buyer changed his mind - and admitted it over eBay messaging. Filed a "not as described" complaint. I provided photos, everything eBay asked for, jumped through all their hoops for a week. And they still refunded him actually telling me "Well, next time maybe you'll offer a refund" and "You can always resell it." I'm out eBay fees. Almost $80 in shipping - both ways, insured is not cheap. Now have neg feedback and an account ding. 24 years selling on eBay. And they don't care.
Their final message to me?
"To avoid this situation in the future, I suggest you to offer Free Returns as your return policy. This helps drive more sales for you from buyers who love to shop from sellers who pay for return shipping. This also gives you protection from buyers who file false return claims." So now eBay is claiming that unless we offer no-questions-asked returns and free shipping we have zero protection?
I don't sell much anymore - eBay has pulled similar crap on me three times now. So I closed my bank accounts and emptied PayPal. I wish eBay good luck (not really)  collecting the nearly $600 in fees and refund from me.
Message 1 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

Too bad that you just didnt respond to the case with a return label, and refund after return, you would have gotten your item back. In a he said, she said, case, Ebay will always side with the buyer. And Im sure you know, since you closed your payment sources, that Ebay will turn you over to collections, good luck.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 2 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

When a buyer admits they are breaking policy and eBay reps can clearly see it the buyer should always be held accountable in my opinion. It is always best to do a return if a buyer asks for it, because if you don't many buyers will resort to opening a fraudulent case to force your hand. eBay uses credit collection agencies on a regular basis and if I were you I wouldn't ruin my credit score for numerous years over $600. 

Message 3 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

eBay assured me that they would NOT issue a refund since it was obvious buyers remorse. The customer even admitted it in eBay messaging. I was told I would not have to issue a return label because he would not be able to complete the complaind since he "obviously abused the return system."

Message 4 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

He filed the dispute before ever contacting me. I was never given a chance to do anything.

Message 5 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

From their chat with me:


01:03:57 UTC Alnie Joy
No worries we'll check our best to check the option to help you.
01:04:02 UTC Alnie Joy
Please kindly give us time to investigate and you may exhaust the timeframe to communicate with the buyer.
01:04:54 UTC Alnie Joy
And as this is still within the time frame, once this expires and you still doesn't want this to accept, kindly reach us out by October 26 so we can step in and check cother options for you.
01:05:06 UTC Alnie Joy
Rest assured that you do have seller protection here with us, Richard.
Message 6 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

Sorry to see that, but very typical of the misinformation spouted by csr's. They are scripted drones who tell you what you want to hear, so they can get on to the next call. Next time, respond to the case within the time frame, there is no extending that,unfortunately.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 7 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

I DID. I called on the 23rd, 24th, 25th. On the 23rd I was told to call back on the 25th. I called on the 24th to update because he admitted on messaging to changing his mind. On the 25th I was told to call back on the 26th.

Message 8 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

@ricksauctionservices wrote:

I DID. I called on the 23rd, 24th, 25th. On the 23rd I was told to call back on the 25th. I called on the 24th to update because he admitted on messaging to changing his mind. On the 25th I was told to call back on the 26th.



It's a tough lesson learned, but eBay best serves the seller who automates his/her business. We empathize.

Message 9 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

I got bogus info from an online chat ebay rep a couple years ago for a fradulent return and I was at least able to get the seller defect removed after appealing my case (still was out the money).  I think the best thing you could have done is just accepted the return and then called and tried to get a courtesy refund for your return shipping label.  I have gotten a refund this way before.  Then report the buyer for return abuse and block them.

Message 10 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

The problem is that I can't trust anything eBay says. "You won't have any negative marks on your account." Wrong. "We won't accept the return." Wrong.  "You can appeal with photos once the item is returned." Nope. They refused to even look at them. "You won't be out any fees." I'm out the fees and shipping.

Message 11 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

@ricksauctionservices wrote:

The problem is that I can't trust anything eBay says. "You won't have any negative marks on your account." Wrong. "We won't accept the return." Wrong.  "You can appeal with photos once the item is returned." Nope. They refused to even look at them. "You won't be out any fees." I'm out the fees and shipping.

What you described here is why a seller should deal with all returns and buyer issues without ANY help from eBay.

Involving eBay is an extreme waste of time.

Posting ID
Message 12 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

Likewise, the buyers are scamming and to make matters worse with the return of ''IT IS NOT AS DESCRIBED'' I had a case in which a buyer bought three sets of Christmas glasses and the buyer placed the order wrong and then opened a case which It says it is not as described, eBay approves the return. As a seller, I open a case against the buyer for false claim and eBay puts it in favor of the buyer, sending strong evidence of the purchase. I appealed the case and lost it, even the buyer did not return the product. He kept the money and the product and I lost money. Ebay is an abuser. If there were no sellers, eBay would not exist as a company. It is an abuse what eBay does with sellers who are the ones who work hard to earn our daily bread.

Message 13 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

It gets better - I chatted with eBay a few days ago. I was curious. I was told that if I paid the return I would not be subjected to fees or return shipping - I just needed to fund my account. So I told them OK. i did not fund my account. In a few days they tried charging me shipping, the refund and all fees. Liars through and through.

Message 14 of 17
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Fraudulent "Not as described" return - buyer even admitted he lied. eBay still sided with him!

What's funny? eBay's collection company has sued bay for providing false information on collections.

Message 15 of 17
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