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seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

in seller hub active listings or unsold listings search item title contains (a word in the title) is not working

Message 1 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

same here and all promotions  removed, can't update the quantity,  sales listing of daily orders keep disappearing. Day off tomorrow I suppose.

Message 2 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

Any difference if you put your search keyword in quotes?


That sometimes helps with the general search to bypass the "smart" search features, but I am not sure if that works with Seller Hub search and I have no way to test it.


Message 3 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

Ditto.  Same problem.

Message 4 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

Tried quotes.  Still not working.

Message 5 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

That has been happening to me for days!  Thought it was just me.  I can type in a word from my title and it won't show up, but it is there.

evry1nositswindy  •  seller since 2013
Volunteer Community Mentor

Message 6 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

I reported this three weeks ago.  Still not working.

Message 7 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

I have that happen a lot when using my Seller Hub "Active Listings" list doing a search. Since we have over 6000 listings it is necessary when new batches of cars come in to be able to search through Active Listings to see if that particular release is listed instead of going to each bin to check if there is a physical item. 

An example that we noticed did not work for several days was using the Search Term "Jurassic World" since we have some Matchbox cars with that theme and title. Well when typed together "Jurassic World" the results showed "0" - now I knew there were some since I had pulled one the day before from that bin. I tried again making sure the spelling was correct and still "0" - I then used just "Jurassic" and items showed up, also just using "World" brought up items but always "0" when used together. I tried the same in our eBay Store and got the same results, so any potential Buyer searching our Store would only get "0" as I tried from a different account also. 

I'm not sure if this is an intentional attempt by eBay to regulate or throttle the search results, but kind of odd that I can't find the results in our own Seller Hub.  Over the years, I have had this happen in the Active Listings search and always thought maybe I just typed it wrong in a hurry and never investigated further.

Anybody that wants to try our Store with this experiment, there is still a term that I know doesn't work since I just tried it again before posting - try Ferrari California - It won't bring up the 1 car we have listed with that title but will bring it up if you just search "Ferrari" or "California" - some gremlins behind the scenes or intentional search avoidance?

Message 8 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working


Message 9 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

My listings drop down menus are not working at all. 

Message 10 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working



What browser and OS are you using?


Any difference if you use a different browser?


Or a different link?


Seller Hub Overview:

Direct links:

Orders (
Active listings (
Marketing (
Performance (
Payments (
Research (

Alternate links

Selling Overview:

Alternate Sold:

Message 11 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

Now, no matter what search criteria I use, I get my entire listings as the result.

Message 12 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

Now, no matter what search criteria I use, I get my entire listings as the result.


Are you able to search using the alternative non-Seller Hub page?


Message 13 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

Contact eBay customer service and ask them to add your account to ALERT14435


There's a site-wide tech ticket. I've been having this problem for a few weeks and had my accounts added to the ticket in January. I search the active listings page in seller hub for one key word so I can make edits and produce 0 results. I use the same key word on my public facing store page and boom - all the results are there.

Message 14 of 21
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Re: seller hub search active listings title keyword not working

Do you think this code will be able to fix as well


a) Allow me to send offers

b) Show Promotion column with it’s contents

c) Return the View column to previous number of views

d) Allow me to answer e-mail questions

e) Allow me to do the bidding



Message 15 of 21
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