12-07-2020 03:35 PM
Hi, can anyone tell my if there is still a "All List" code or link still available? I used to use this link to view all my eBay lists as 1 big list, but now it doesn't seem to work? This was the shortcut i used to use > https://my.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?MyEbayBeta&SortOrder=ASCEND&GotoPage=1&MyeBayListIndex.Filter=A...
Thank you, George.
12-07-2020 04:40 PM
That appears to be the same link that I have, but it no longer works as of Friday.
It appears that eBay has finally completely removed the All Lists page, approximately two and a half years after removing all the links to that page from the site.
I suspected this might happen when the All Lists page began having problems deleting items a couple of months ago and users starting complaining to eBay that the page was not working correctly.
You can bookmark each of your individual lists to get to them without having to go through your Watch List page first.
I do not know of another way to combine all lists into one so that you can see which items in each list are ending soonest.
I am currently reorganizing my lists -- putting all auction items on my Watch List to make it easy to see which items are ending soonest when using a phone -- and putting Buy-It-Now items on other lists.
12-08-2020 02:00 PM
Thank you for the reply. I'll do what you recommend for now, it sucks but I'll live with it. It used to be so easy to view the entire list to see what has ended! I for one was having no issues with it.
12-08-2020 02:55 PM
Why do they keep putting hurdles in the way of people trying to buy things on their site? I can't manage without my 'All Lists' landing page, they will lose my custom!
12-09-2020 02:54 PM
Stuffed if i know mate? Pretty aggravating..............😡
12-11-2020 01:15 PM
eBay: Please fix this, ASAP.
12-12-2020 08:48 AM
Am no longer able to use All Lists so have been unable to buy Christmas presents on ebay. Have gone elsewhere. I figure sellers here have lost at least $2000 so far just from me. Am a long time buyer. Ebay please bring back All Lists.
12-14-2020 04:36 PM
i missing the "All List" option also!
12-15-2020 11:18 AM
I, as well, used the "all" list everyday, it was my landing page, to see all of the items that were ending within the next 24 hours and those items that had ended in the past 24 hours. eBay, bring it back - there are a lot of us using that page.
12-19-2020 12:20 PM
Yep. Still no response or fix from eBay.
I've already missed out on several things I was looking to purchase because of it. Multiply that by the millions of potential buyers, and it's a surefire recipe for decreased sales, and/or lower margins. Whoever thought that was a good idea should write a book called "How To Lose Customers And Maximize Your Profit Losses".
01-13-2021 01:36 PM
Ebay: Any updates on this?