04-23-2022 05:29 AM
We have tried several browsers, cleared cache and still have the issue. On the Track and Manage your shipments page ( Seller Hub - Orders > Shipping Labels > Track and Manage your Shipments) . Results sorted by date descending ( sort choice does not fix the issue).
On the results list after scrolling to the bottom the last entry has an example date of April 18th. Then select page 2 and the top result of the entry has a date of April 4th not something like April 17th. We do have sales on the dates missing, and happens on each page selection though not necessarily 2 weeks missing each time but over at least a week each next page is missing. Is this just us ?
04-23-2022 06:10 AM
I noticed I was missing about a week in early April on the shipping labels page, nothing missing scrolling through manage all orders.