08-07-2018 10:06 AM
First let me say that in my 14 years on eBay (I'm both a Buyer and a Seller), I have never encountered so many technical issues as I have recently. It's downright shameful.
The latest bug I've discovered is that in the case of an item you are watching ends and the seller relists it, when you click the "View relisted item" button, it takes you to a different item with a message that reads "The listing you’re looking for is no longer available. Check out this similar item we found for you. " HOWEVER, if you navigate manually to that Seller's item listings, there is the relisted item.
As a Buyer, this is disappointing. As a Seller, this is unacceptable.
08-07-2018 03:26 PM
It is their latest and greatest idea on how to promote others sellers items who chose to may them for promoted listings. They are promoting similar items this way. There is a link that is not obvious to pull up the original items page instead. Most buyers will lose interest or become distracted and chose the promoted item instead. There are a lot of posts on this.
08-07-2018 08:05 PM
I don't think there is any turning back for them now. Their focus is on rebranding eBay to be an online Chinese emporium. Our beloved platform is a lab rat to them.
From an interview on 8/5 with Dan Tarman, CCO:
"we're under no illusions of the challenges that we have to reenergize our brand and to also address some of our legacy perceptions that are not consistent with the current reality that eBay is an auction site, that eBay sells primarily used stuff, that it's like a flea market."
"You can’t be disruptive and be an innovator if all you’re doing is tending to your core business and making incremental changes … To that point, we have an entire group that we call N, that is 100 percent dedicated to innovation at the edge. They experiment with things that we know will fail, (some of which will succeed as well), to understand the implications of those things and how they can be integrated into the core. "
08-08-2018 04:26 AM
@strawberryfields910 wrote:First let me say that in my 14 years on eBay (I'm both a Buyer and a Seller), I have never encountered so many technical issues as I have recently. It's downright shameful.
The latest bug I've discovered is that in the case of an item you are watching ends and the seller relists it, when you click the "View relisted item" button, it takes you to a different item with a message that reads "The listing you’re looking for is no longer available. Check out this similar item we found for you. " HOWEVER, if you navigate manually to that Seller's item listings, there is the relisted item.
As a Buyer, this is disappointing. As a Seller, this is unacceptable.
If you look at the message closely........the word "listing" is a link, which when clicked, leads to the ended listing. There is usually a "this item has been relisted" at that point. However, I can understand that if a seller changes the listing in some ways, it may not be considered a "relist" even tho you see the item relisted...... so I'm not sure you will get to the relist message.
08-08-2018 11:28 AM
08-17-2018 05:05 AM
Well, apparently, they did some sort of maintenance last night because NOW instead of finding the highlighted word 'listing', they actually have a LINK. Of course, the initial click on the 'view relisted item' takes you to a completely DIFFERENT item, with a box at the top saying that the item in question has ended .... but now they've included an actual link to the relisted item. Still multiple clicks to get where you want to go - unacceptable nonetheless, for both buyers and sellers. I tend to agree that perhaps they are more interested in becoming another 'Chinese Emporium' and less of a 'little guy market place'. I will start looking for other avenues to not only buy, but to sell as well. I've been with eBay since almost it's inception and it has gone from being a great place to just another corporate huckster. I know the goal is to make money - but when they started getting greedy, that's when they became truly sad. I've posted my complaint on their 'tell us what you think' page, but they have (of course) limited the letter count, so there isn't enough room to voice any real concern or suggestion for improvement. So, I suppose it's now 'buh bye, Felicia'.
02-18-2019 11:07 AM
I want to second this as an important technical issue with the website.
"View Relisted Item" clearly means that the link should take the user to the relisted item, which is the original behavior. Taking the user to a different item is unexpected behavior. Users are clicking "View Relisted Item" because they are interested in something that failed to sell; items that are usually higher value (and why they failed to sell). Because there is a larger proportion of low-value items, the interested buyers are, on average, directed to lower value items, missing the high-value item they wanted to buy and hurting the bottom line (of sellers and Ebay).
This bug arises because the new behavior takes the user to the ended listing instead of the relisting, which immediately performs a silent search and redirects to a completely different listing. The user must then click on "view original item", which directs the page to the ended listing (not the relisting), from which the buyer can then choose "the seller has relisted this item".
If the relisting has ended and the item has been re-relisted, then the buyer is once again silently directed to a different listing, must once again choose "view original item" and must once again follow the relisted item link.
The fix is two-fold. First, links to a relisting should direct to the relisting, as expected, not to the ended listing. Second, the silent search and redirection should be disabled when a link to a relisting is clicked, thus always showing the relisting, even if it has ended. If the final relisting in the chain is ended, I think the users are smart enough to begin a new search on their own.
And how does a text search based on the item title and description fail to find a listing with the identical title and description? The third fix is to fix the silent searches. Since implementation, I have found they rarely get close to a similar item.
02-18-2019 12:58 PM