03-01-2022 08:04 AM
The new "Saved Searches" page is completely broken. The prior format enabled editing of searches, the new one does not. The main addition to the new design -- big images -- does not in any way offset the loss of functionality.
Specifically: the old page used to display the complete plaintext search query (or at least very substantial portions of long, complex queries), but now displays only the first ~50 characters. How do I now edit long, complex searches if I cannot directly scan or search the query text? I can't even FIND the saved search I need to edit!
(Yes, I can use a desktop browser to search HTML and locate the search queries embedded and lurking behind items on the "Saved Searches" page. But this approach is extremely cumbersome and time consuming, requires access to advanced browser features, and frankly is not worth the effort.)
I read the workarounds offered by users on the Ask a Mentor board (use the feed!, hack CSS!) but these suggestions are merely cosmetic and do absolutely nothing to restore lost functionality.
At minimum, please make the old "Saved Searches" page format accessible as an option.
03-01-2022 08:54 AM
I second that. You ruined something that worked and was effective apparently just for the sake of change. Makes no sense.
03-01-2022 09:30 AM
Why? Just why? Why change something that was not broken and very functional to something that isn't? Busy work for techs who have no actual productive work to do?