05-30-2022 03:00 AM
My experience as a first time seller on Ebay was screwed up. The system didn't allow me to add my checking to receive payments. I had two customer's yesterday ready to buy my item with the buy now option. I didn't have money to pay for shipping on their behalf under the circumstances. And was waiting for the issue to get resolved by IT before accepting an offer. So, both buyers backed out and I lost money because I wasn't able to add my checking to receive payment. And proceed with finalizing the transactions. How can I get Ebay involved with reaching out to the potential buyer's? Explaining the situation to see if they would reconsider buying the product again?
05-30-2022 04:31 AM
When you begin selling on eBay, you owe it to yourself and your future buyers to know everything necessary.
And your bank account should already be set up to accept payments before you start listing.
You also need to read the Money Back Guarantee so you will know how your buyers are protected by eBay if a transaction goes wrong. Buyers have better protection than sellers here. An important part of that is that your "No Returns" stance makes no difference in the face of the MBG.
As far as contacting those prospective buyers, regretfully, that ship has sailed. eBay will not be "reaching out" to them and explaining that you did not quite have all your ducks in a row.
05-30-2022 06:49 AM
I don't quite know what you mean that I didn't have all ducks in a row.
There was a technicality on Ebay's end not allowing me to attach my
checking before selling. I will wait until the iron out this discrepancy
on their end.
05-30-2022 08:28 AM
Not having your ducks in a row means you made a listing before you were in managed payments. You add your checking account to receive payouts before you list. You do that in case your bank isn't approved. That is having your ducks in a row.
There was no excuse not to ship because the shipping label can be paid for with your buyer's pending funds.
05-30-2022 08:32 AM
Also; you don't have to be excepted into MP to ship something and you DON'T have to have the money to pay for the shipping label; you simply choose 'Fund from Pending Funds' at the bottom of the shipping page after you've inputted size/weight and then chose the carrier- scroll to the bottom and then 'choose' how to pay for that label.