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This attempt at some sort of PR by eBay is **bleep**.  There aren't technical issues,  selling issues,  product issues.

Something is wrong....dead wrong.   I'm a $50k - 100k seller and have been since 2015.   I usually process 10 - 20 orders a week and often a lot more due to current events.  NOTHING now fror 3 weeks.  NOT ONE SALE.


They are not being transparent.  I'm selling like crazy on ETSY as I have always done.  It's not the market and it's not the economy.  It's either technical morons in Norway or the U.S. or they've been hacked for ransom.



Message 1 of 26
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I too have the same issue, NO sales in 3 weeks. Something is very wrong.

Message 2 of 26
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Are your listings getting impressions?


What percentage are in the top 20 results?


Are you getting visits? You might need promotion of there are impressions with very low percentages  in the top 20?


If you are getting your normal number of visits, your potential buyers do not want what you are selling or cannot afford to buy.


There are many more listings than there are buyers for and Ebay continues to add new sellers and their listings. It is unlikely that there are many new buyers for much of what you offer, just as there are not for my own.


And some areas of interest are populated by potential buyers who are less willing to spend on non-essential items.


Nothing you sell appears to be a necessity, just as nothing I sell is. Some of us are more willing to accept that the economy is CRAP than others are, but no sales is what you get when the economy is CRAP and Ebay cannot wave a wand and make the economy better.



Message 3 of 26
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Shipping seems a little high in today's economy.


Why is your shipping so high?


Message 4 of 26
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"And some areas of interest are populated by potential buyers who are less willing to spend on non-essential items."


For myself, I don't need any more collectibles, but I do still like to look at them.

KrazzyKats  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1998

Message 5 of 26
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We can blame some of these new online stores that have been opening up these past 2 years, the younger generation would rather go and buy stuff really cheap, I think we all know what stores I am talking about from China, and there very inexpensive and the product reviews are always good, not to mention all free shipping as well...if they can spend 20.00 and get 15 items I don't blame them, but I think that's why there's less buyers on Ebay, and I know people will comment that all they have is cheap crappy junk but apparently that doesn't matter because they are making a killing, my postman said that they get more temu coming through there post office more then any other company. 


Message 6 of 26
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What I see is that in the past couple of days, there are no views of listing and impressions are sharply decreasing. It seems like that there are something wrong with eBay system.

Message 7 of 26
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Memorial day is coming up, spend money on beer and steaks or collectibles? 

Message 8 of 26
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I just spent 4 days at a citywide yard sale event (town next door to mine). I shopped one day and sold for 3. it was packed. non stop busy. the top sellers: COLLECTIBLES & VINTAGE.  some big estate sales with high prices and everything was selling. everything.


when I read on these forums about how nobody collects anymore blah blah blah...wrong... they just don't want to shop on Ebay & pay for the high cost of shipping I guess?


Vintage/Collectibles is as popular as ever.


every time Ebay burns a seller they move on and probably just end up selling locally (for MORE MONEY than they would have made here)  Ebay might want to wake up to this and figure out how to bring life back to this site. 

Message 9 of 26
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I found this post from a few years back. Makes sense to me. I am a good seller and have sales die from 10-12 days. I have noticed recently when uploading photos I am in some sort of beta pictures uploader. The screen looks different and the cropping feature hardly works. I'm guessing I'm one of the beta guinea pigs.

Message 10 of 26
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The only reason I have ever used at flat rate box is if the item is heavy and has to go coast to coast. Otherwise you are usually overpaying. 

Message 11 of 26
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Woodbury Commons packed with people on weekday, Garden State Plaza also packed (haven’t seen it packed in YEARS). There’s definitely fewer people shopping for certain categories online these days. 

Message 12 of 26
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Yup. This is EXACTLY what I am going through. Been selling since 2010 and consistently do $30k a month; average 8-10 sales a day. I’m lucky to get 1 a day. All other platforms are fine. This has been going on for about 3 weeks. I call eBay and get nowhere, they are not being truthful with sellers. Something was done to the site and it has shut my store off completely.

Message 13 of 26
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I'm a $200k-plus seller and have the same experience. eBay is trash and has been for quite a while.


Diversify before this place joins the 404-Not Found club.

Message 14 of 26
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were use to a batch of orders a day in general, but not one since sunday.........also ever since ebay added the add to cart button on the search pages, no one has to open an item page anymore, they either bypass completely now or buy without bothering to read details.....this has ruined views and everything else. This may be why views and impressions are decreasing...promoted listings now are even useless when it use to help some...we are seeing negative red digits on everything and that means next problem is going to be funds... Other platforms are flowing, this one is entirely off. Yes true inflation and what not makes some sense as spending habits have changed, but when other platforms are flowing normal, and this one died, there is a problem.

Message 15 of 26
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