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Manage Variations Page Load Error - It's not you. It's us.

Heads up to other sellers:


Through Seller Hub, navigating to the manage variations page redirects to the "It's not you. It's us." status code 500 error page.


Tested with multiple browsers and multiple selling accounts.


Going in to edit the listing is working. But the quick edit features through the manage variations page in Seller Hub (update price, quantity, SKU) is not currently accessible.


Since I can still go in the long way and edit through the listing I'm holding off on reporting to CS, hoping this error is short lived and fixed by morning.

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Manage Variations Page Load Error - It's not you. It's us.

eBay down? Current status and problems | Downdetector

Same problem error, Error


Many other people having the same issue. Have fun losing customers and profit eBay 


You guys don't listen to your seller at all. Every single update you do causes problems.


End of 2022 when section area change 

Slow sales until 2023. 

2023 still slow sales 


Watcher:  They love to low ball and not buy if offer sent out. They only buy if item is $1.00, Perfect way to get their user info and block them and then refund. 


Noted: Best Way for ebay to get relisting fee and hopefully those watchers go away 


Promotion: They want seller to send out offer, how are we able to send out offer if the same watcher is blocking it.

Message 31 of 31
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