03-08-2025 03:11 PM
Logged on today to have a look at some of my listings and have found my listings and other peoples listings are just blank, completely missing. anyone else experiencing this? Everything looks fine from my active listings tab but if i search for the listing or look at my sellers other items they are just gone.
i've spoken with Ebay help and they are escalating to their "Specialist team" but no reply for 5-7 days. I'm having the issue with new listings as well as old.
I find if I check searches, other apps and even opening through other pc's, all i can see is a blank space where my listing should be (it shows up in the search) or green text with "2 day free postage" or "3 day free postage" i have seen it also in a few sellers I watch, but not many.
03-08-2025 04:18 PM
Thousands of my listings are hidden. No wonder sales are down. It's affecting both search results and shopfront.
Looks like it is affecting listings from many accounts. Search results are full of gaps like this:
03-08-2025 07:15 PM
Noticed this as well today. Many search results are simply a blank space. Also, search is recycling the same 50 results over and over again when scrolling through best match.
03-08-2025 09:21 PM
Experiencing this now 3/9/25 12:20am... Listings display blank with 3 black dots...
03-08-2025 10:24 PM
It's even more than that. When I search eBay for my listing, it only shows the sponsored listing and does not come up in the normal search results. On top of that, all the items in my store are just blank spaces where my items used to be.
03-08-2025 11:05 PM
3.9.25.... Mine too. I clicked on your View Listings and yep, mine looks the same exact way. Blank.
03-09-2025 04:12 AM - edited 03-09-2025 04:15 AM
Your listings are gone as well.
03-09-2025 04:41 AM
We are experiencing the same thing here ! We have over 2300 listings and all of them are not visible within our eBay shop or via search. We have searched via other eBay accounts and all of the listings are no longer visible? Our account is in good stead and listings are displaying within our hub / active listings , BUT , they're not visible anywhere else ??? We sell £250 - £400 per day and since last night had £0 in sales !! We've spoken with eBay and it has been escalated as urget with I.T. department. We have been told that they are aware of issues and have played down the severity of the situation. Apparently the rep i spoke with had only spoken to 1 other user today having the same experience?? This is somewhat concerning and we are starting to panic !!
03-09-2025 05:08 AM
We are in the same situation as you ! Have you had any updates from eBay yet ? We have had £0 in sales since yesterday and in panic mode now !!
03-09-2025 05:32 AM
Since at least 9th March 2025, on Windows + Firefox, Windows + Chrome, Linux + Firefox, the list of search results includes multiple items (for example 50% of all results) that only have text that states delivery, multi-buy offer, number sold, i.e. nothing identifying what item the listing is for, or price etc. The listings have no image and are not clickable. On Andoid Ebay app the results are slightly different, in that there is a placeholder for the image which is clickable to view the item.
This is going to ruin Ebay revenue, so that'll get them going. Or will it?
03-09-2025 05:38 AM
The issue with search appears to be widespread. Search is showing the same 50 results over and over again, and 50% of those results appear to be blank. It is a good weekend to get out and enjoy the weather while their dev teams solve the problem.
Here is the search result when you look for a Toronto Maple Leafs hat:
03-09-2025 05:53 AM
I was able to get in touch with someone who works at ebay. It will take 24 - 48 hours to resolve this glitch in their system. Please be patient everyone
03-09-2025 05:56 AM
I was able to get in touch with someone who works at ebay. It will take 24 - 48 hours to resolve this glitch in their system. Please be patient. I know this is a big problem but I'm in the same situation as you. Please let others know that a problem has occurred in their system
03-10-2025 09:17 AM
@mypopcollection and others:
Are you still experiencing this? I was seeing the problem over the weekend, but as of today looks like it's fixed.
03-10-2025 02:59 PM
Seems to be resolved for me as well