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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

I have been noticing a tank in sales this week as well as my listings showing they have had 0 views. However, I am getting watchers so I am confused on that. One listing has 0 views but 4 watchers.


Is anyone else having these issues or know if eBay has addressed this issue at all?

Thanks! 🙂

Message 1 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

Same issue...

Message 2 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

I'll chime in... noticed same here in Washington State, some watchers, 0 views right down the list on all.

No doubt they are working on the glitch? It isn't the first time I've seen stuff like this...

Rather see sales than views, but it's nice to see interest to gauge a possible sale, Best.... :O)

Message 3 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

I am having the same issue.  Very frustrating.  My sales have slowed 30% from May even though I am now offering free returns on all my first class shipment listings which is "supposed" to give me a bump in search.   The mysteries of Cassini....

Message 4 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

Not that I am wishing for slow sales for you but that gives me some relief as I was thinking that my dip in sales may be due to me NOT offering free returns. It probably does have some to do with it though. I hope your sales come back soon as well as everyone else! 🙂

Message 5 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

Yes I definitely agree on using the number of views to gauge the interest on items. I never knew how much I paid attention to views until I realized how much I am missing them now! 😛

Message 6 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

Sales have tanked in the last 45 days.  Can't be the economy so it must be something closer to eBay.  Wish things were like they used to be on eBay.   People were interested in history and were buying collectible items.  Thank you public schools for screwing up the minds of our children by ignoring and "changing" our history to suit your own warped agenda.

Message 7 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

I'm irritated from the fact that when you search for something on eBay it is now full of stock photo China bulk items. Seems to be cheap items that they have 1,000s of and usually say something like 332 sold. When I look to buy things I enjoy seeing the sellers own item. I want to know what I am exactly getting and want that unique experience.


The small business seems to be getting thrown out by eBay....

Message 8 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

Yes, I'm having the same problem. There are lines across the "views" column where there should be numbers (I don't even have a 0). My eBay app shows 0 views as well. I too use these view numbers to adjust prices on my items. I've also noticed a drop in sales (summer is a bit slow in my category but this level is unusual). I will report this to eBay. Maybe if enough of us let them know . . .?

Message 9 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

The small businesses are still on eBay, you just have to work a little harder to find them among all the drop shippers. 


With a little creative effort using the filters on the left side of the search results page, you can eliminate the, uh, bulk of the bulk listers. Depending on what you are looking for, some combination of limiting your search results to North America, auction-format only (no "Buy-it-Now"), or used items only can do wonders for winnowing down the results to something reasonable. 


A way to filter all items with stock photos would be pretty handy, though.


Message 10 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

Having same exact problem over here. Small time seller but NEVER had a three-week period go by without one single sale. This is ridiculous. I am frustrated too that I have reported the dashes in the view count column issue as well MULTIPLE TIMES and it's been several weeks with no resolution from eBay. I don't know if it has anything at all to do with one another, but something is very, very different and it happened in the span of about a month. It wasn't a slow trickle off, it literally is like the spout got shut off completely. I had a great April, one of the best I've had since 2013. So something is off. PLEASE fix these weird glitches!!!!! Several weeks of this is completely unacceptable!!!


I've read other people say the same thing on here, which tells me it's a universal issue, where they go awhile with few to no sales, and then suddenly in one day have a ton of sales, then back to none. Definitely visibility issues right there. What else can account for random great sales on a Tuesday afternoon, followed by weeks of ZILCH. So tired of this....

Message 11 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

I've had no listing views in my account for several weeks now. So frustrating! An Ebay rep told me today that "the views were cosmetic and not that important" Hmmm really??


Hope they can fix this soon..for all of our sakes.

Message 12 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

I have noticed this issue (0 views) as well. They are just dashes today....not even a 0.


Wish eBay support would post a status of this issue.

Message 13 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

Cosmetic? WOW. Not a good customer service reply. Views tell me who's looking at what...


I've noticed since at least last Friday. Watcher but no view on an item, etc. Paying for a premium store and not getting my money's worth. Coincidentally, sales tanked.

Message 14 of 34
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Listing Views Showing as 0 and Slow Sales

We have had HUGE issues with impressions since March 23rd. This was the exact date the "Spring Update" changes started appearing. Since then I have 3 pages of technical issues I have found. Our statistics given to us as the MSO sheets provide many statistical errors and inaccuracies. 


Since 2013-2014 we have been the top seller in our category, by far, and due to these issues we are now likely losing that spot. 

I have spent at least 2-3 days a week speaking to the eBay agents with the highest authority possible. With the evidence I provided, they can NOT deny that there is a problem. We have attempted all of their suggestions and it has not made any difference. 

It has been 3 months now. Still nothing. I am going to write up a longer post with more information soon, and if anyone here would like, I would share all the evidence I've collected along the way. Just let me know

Message 15 of 34
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