11-19-2019 04:00 AM
First off let me convey " I'm **bleep**! " I have tried for two freaking days to enter my new credit card information. Only to find out that Ebay seems to have a issue with Visa. This is crazy just as I'm entering the expiration date it stops letting me enter anything else but if I skip over to the security code and it takes that number. You see its things like this that make me depend more on AMAZON than ever before. I had to purchase the item that I was trying to buy from Ebay on Amazon IMAGINE that.You would also assume as large as Ebay is they would have 24 hour customer support.....but you'd be wrong!l only a stupid automated voice telling you their closed,**bleep**?? You can do much better Ebay. Step your game up or lose more customers. End of rant.
11-19-2019 04:46 PM
just as I'm entering the expiration date it stops letting me enter anything else
Make sure you are entering the date in the format the software is expecting. If you are using a desktop browser, you may be able to hover your cursor over the field or click on the empty field to see an indication of the expected format, typically MM/YY for most of the eBay pages I am familiar with, though there are other formats that are common as well.
11-19-2019 04:54 PM
If you are paying with a credit card if the item is new with 2 day shipping you can probably find it for 15 to 25 percent less on amazon as most of the 2 day shipping items that are new with stock pictures are just amazon prime items being reposted on eBay due to amazon not taking PayPal.