01-03-2020 09:12 AM
01-03-2020 09:14 AM
I've seen a rash of posts lately of same. I'm in Managed Payments and mine are coming...
01-03-2020 09:15 AM
The managed payment email that indicates it has been paid is coming.
The initial sold email from ebay is not coming.
If you are getting payment through paypal, I imagine you are not getting email from ebay.
The website is up to date and if you have the app on a tablet or phone, the app updates immediately and significantly before ebay sends emails.
01-03-2020 09:24 AM
Just spoke with Customer Service and will take 24 to 48 hours to correct this issue. I am not on the Managed Payments program and just have PayPal as a payment option. According to the representative they have been getting many calls regarding this and the tech team is working on correcting. Thanks for your replies. Hildi
01-03-2020 09:29 AM
Anyone having issues with receiving Sale Confirmations?
But luckily I do not rely on emails notifications - I log into my accounts regularly to make sure I have not missed anything.
01-03-2020 01:21 PM
Having the same: no email confirmation from eBay.
Maybe this is another "improvement" that will help our sales that we asked for?
01-03-2020 05:17 PM
Win 10 laptop for managing my store and android laptop for mobile app notifications for both eBay and PayPal. I am not in managed payments and getting notification through the mobile apps just fine. edge for the browser id showing notifications just fine and a little faster than the apps. I do not really use the email notifications as the notifications can be buried in the toons of messages eBay already send you. Plus emails can be spoofed.
01-03-2020 05:19 PM
Win 10 laptop for managing my store and android laptop for mobile app notifications for both eBay and PayPal. I am not in managed payments and getting notification through the mobile apps just fine. edge for the browser is showing notifications just fine and a little faster than the apps. I do not really use the email notifications as the notifications can be buried in the tons of messages eBay already send you. Plus emails can be spoofed.
01-03-2020 05:23 PM
Mine are now coming through. Earlier today they were not.