06-14-2023 06:58 AM
That's how much eBay is worth. Someone needs to loose their job with all the technical problems happening.
06-14-2023 07:34 AM
Now, now, how can you possibly resent those who run eBay their multi million $ bonuses, they are far to busy wondering where to invest their loot than sort out the appalling glitch laden site that is now eBay
06-14-2023 08:16 AM
Anyone remember when ex-CEO Devin Wenig said that site glitches really **bleep** him off and were unacceptable? Good times. 🤣
Wenig even said several people had been fired over the glitches that plagued the site back in 2018, but somehow Chief Infrastructure and Architecture Officer at the time Mazen Rawashdeh was not one of them...in fact Rawashdeh was promoted to Chief Technology Officer in 2019, a position he retains today.
I wonder if anyone (besides buyers and sellers) is still **bleep** off....the board, investors, anyone?