08-19-2021 08:37 AM - edited 09-24-2021 01:07 PM
Thanks for joining our private group where we’ll be talking about all things Promoted Listings Advanced. Since we’re still in the beta phase, we wanted to create an easy way to share the latest information, best practices and optimization tips, as well as hear directly from you about your experiences with it. What do you like about it? What do you not like about it? What other capabilities do you wish you had with the product, or what is something that you find confusing? We welcome all feedback so that we can do our best to make a product that works for everyone.
We encourage all sellers who are interested in testing using Promoted Listings Advanced campaigns to first read through our Seller Center page that has tons of FAQs with answers to the most common questions around using the tool, how to place bids, how sellers get charged, and more.
Most importantly, we hope you enjoy being a part of the Promoted Listings Advanced Community Group, and we're glad you're here.
09-08-2021 12:52 PM
We have a question. We are utilizing both promoted listing standard & advanced. will you be charged if buyer purchased an item thru promoted listing, both CPC fee & standard ad fee at the same time?
09-09-2021 09:54 AM - edited 09-24-2021 01:03 PM
09-09-2021 10:54 AM
Thanks! We actually just read that in the recent sellers update. Good to know!
09-20-2021 05:00 PM
Hello, I’m very confused by the pay per click and have a few questions.
1. If I click on my own item am I charged?
2. If another seller clicks on my item to use it for sell similar am I charged?
3. How long doe the promotion last?
4. Does the amount stay the same or does it change over time?
5. Am I competing against other sellers?
6. With rising prices on merchandise and shipping does this help me?
7. If I don’t participate in the pay per click but do promotions and markdowns will my items show down the pages after the pay per click items?
So many questions as I’m trying to understand the benefits of this new program via the promotions I already participate in and markdowns I do. Please respond to each question with the number so I can follow the response. Thank you in advance.
09-20-2021 05:30 PM
adsteam@ebay wrote:Great question @ngb-supremacy. We use last click attribution to determine the ad fee, so you will not be charged both ad fees. For example, if your listing was sold with the last click going through a Promoted Listings Standard placement, then only the Promoted Listings Standard fee will be applied.
Both the help page and this answer from @velvet@ebay explicitly state there are certain scenarios where a seller may be charged both the CPC and standard fees.
Is this incorrect?
Sale attributed to Promoted Listing campaign:
A listing for a wireless speaker participates in both campaign types. It has an average CPC of $0.25 in the Promoted Listings Advanced campaign and a 7% ad rate in the Promoted Listings campaign.
The wireless speaker appears in the top slot in search via a Promoted Listings Advanced ad that is clicked once by a buyer.
The next day, the wireless speaker appears in a Promoted Listings placement on a listing page, where the same buyer clicks the Promoted Listings ad and buys the wireless speaker for $100.00.
Because the wireless speaker listing was participating in a Promoted Listings campaign at the time when it was last clicked, it accrues a $7.00 ad fee via Promoted Listings and $0.25 for the click it received in the Promoted Listings Advanced campaign.
09-20-2021 05:49 PM
Yes, this was actually explained in the recent seller update. See below (copied directly from eBay seller update):
09-20-2021 06:07 PM
@ngb-supremacy wrote:Hi,
Yes, this was actually explained in the recent seller update. See below (copied directly from eBay seller update):
- If you participate in both types of campaigns, a sale will be attributed only to the campaign that the listing was in when the last paid click occurred.
For example:
- If your listing is clicked in a Promoted Listings Standard ad and then clicked and purchased through an Advanced ad, the sale will be attributed to the Advanced ad. This means you will only pay for the click on the Advanced ad.
- If a buyer clicks on an Advanced ad, and then later purchases your item through a Standard ad, the sale will be attributed to the Standard ad, and you will pay the Standard ad fee. Please note: you will still be charged for every click on an Advanced ad.
- If you only run a Standard campaign, you will be charged the ad rate that is in effect at the time of the buyer’s last click.
For example:
- If a buyer clicks on your Promoted Listings Standard ad when the ad rate is 5%, then later clicks the ad again when you’ve changed the ad rate to 4%, and then makes a purchase within the 30-day attribution window, you will pay the 4% ad rate in effect at the time of that last click
@ngb-supremacy - right, but that isn't what adsteam@ebay said.
"We use last click attribution to determine the ad fee, so you will not be charged both ad fees."
That is a very clear and definitive answer....and it also contradicts the seller update and the help page, or at least completely omits the fact that there are some situations where you will in fact be charged both ad fees.
This new ad option is complicated enough as it is, it's extremely important that there is transparency in the process and that correct, accurate, and complete information is communicated to sellers.
We've already had confusion caused by community staff giving completely wrong answers about negative keywords and what data is included in reports, we don't need any confusion about this.
09-20-2021 06:29 PM
I went to the tutorials and started learning about this. I did not finish all of the stuff in the AD school, but I have a very important question. How to you know how to do these working with negative key words. I would like to test this out but I know that you can get a lot of irrelevant clicks where people are actually using your click money and buying something else and not YOUR item. I need to understand how to do this so I do not get all these costly clicks that lead to no conversion. THAT may be a course all on its own here.
09-20-2021 07:04 PM
@vintagecraze50 wrote:I went to the tutorials and started learning about this. I did not finish all of the stuff in the AD school, but I have a very important question. How to you know how to do these working with negative key words. I would like to test this out but I know that you can get a lot of irrelevant clicks where people are actually using your click money and buying something else and not YOUR item. I need to understand how to do this so I do not get all these costly clicks that lead to no conversion. THAT may be a course all on its own here.
@vintagecraze50 - just my two cents in general on this. If you don't have a big budget and want to make sure the results are as refined as possible, first of all stick with "exact match" instead of "phrase match".
In theory that should limit things to start with - it will still consider small variations on keywords like misspellings and abbreviations, but less chance of it matching to something much broader/possibly less relevant.
As far as negative keywords specifically, that may depend a lot on how well you know your specific category/niche. Put on your buyer hat for a minute and think about the items you are advertising....are their common words or acronyms people might use for not relevant items that might overlap with your items/keywords?
Just as an example, the items I used for my test thread are all items for boats.
I had it set at phrase match, so was getting wider results - some of which showed these items being shown for searches for motorcycle accessories or accessories for specific types of cars. If I was going to try to optimize that campaign and wanted to try to limit it more to just people looking for that type of item for a boat, I'd put "motorcycle" etc. on the negative keyword list.
Unfortunately a lot of this might just have to be learn as you go and test it out - which I know is not what anyone wants to hear when money is on the line. But the truth is, often the best way to figure out what keywords to exclude is to let the campaign run for a bit, monitor what buyer queries are being matched with what keywords and listings and then use that to give you ideas of not relevant keywords to add to your exclusion list.
Then tweak your settings, monitor some more and so on until you have it dialed in to where you think you are getting the most relevant matches without narrowing it down so much that you aren't getting any results.
09-20-2021 07:10 PM
OH thank you so much for that great info. You really seem to know what you are doing with this stuff. That was excellent and helped me understand this well.
09-20-2021 07:26 PM
How would Ebay control for a jealous competitor clicking on your listings all day long just to cost you more clicks and no sales?
09-20-2021 07:32 PM
@vintagecraze50 wrote:How would Ebay control for a jealous competitor clicking on your listings all day long just to cost you more clicks and no sales?
@vintagecraze50 we'll have to see what this ends up actually looking like in practice, but it's encouraging that click fraud is at least on eBay's radar.
How does eBay handle invalid traffic? Who should I contact if I suspect invalid traffic?
Promoted Listings Advanced traffic is screened by our proprietary detection software, which is designed to help filter invalid traffic in real time. Suspicious traffic that is reported by sellers or partners is eligible for manual review by our team of traffic experts.
In the event manual review detects invalid traffic, a credit will be processed within 1 - 4 weeks.
Note: Campaign reports can take up to 72 hours to reconcile.
Can I be charged for multiple clicks made by the same buyer?
Potentially yes, unless our click filtering systems detect suspicious activity. In some cases, buyers may revisit the same item multiple times before completing their purchase. However, please note that we have proprietary detection software in place designed to filter out invalid clicks with abnormal patterns, including bots, malicious clicks, or accidental clicks. If clicks on the ad are identified as invalid, the clicks will not be charged.
09-21-2021 05:53 AM
OK. Good. This needs to be a very vigilant program becuase click fraud is really a big problem.
09-22-2021 03:33 PM - edited 09-23-2021 09:09 AM
Hi @a*growing*girls*closet thanks for posting your questions here. We encourage you to check out our Promoted Listings AdvancedBETA FAQs where we answer a lot of these common questions. As with any new product, we are continually updating this information to keep all sellers apprised of new developments since we are still in the beta phase of rolling out this new feature.
There’s a lot of work being done on the topic of which clicks sellers will be charged for as we speak, but the answer to your first few questions is, potentially. In some cases, buyers may revisit the same item multiple times before completing their purchase, and each of their clicks will count. However, we currently have proprietary detection software in place that’s designed to filter out invalid clicks with abnormal patterns, including bots, malicious clicks, accidental clicks, and more.
This also includes if the same user is clicking repeatedly on any one ad in a short time period. Sellers will not be charged if clicks are identified as invalid. Any suspicious traffic reported by sellers is eligible for manual review by our team of traffic experts. A credit will be applied to your account if the review detects invalid traffic. This review process can take between 1-4 weeks to complete.
To address your questions around timeframe and budgets, Promoted Listings Advanced uses a daily budget. The daily budget is the maximum amount that you’re willing to spend on a single campaign per day. You may spend less of your daily budget some days, but you will never be charged more than the amount you choose. Once your campaign has reached its daily budget, your campaign will stop being charged until the next day, when the daily budget resets. Any unused budget will not roll over to the next day. As part of setting up your campaigns, you will also set the timeframe for your campaign and how long you want it to last for. You can set an end date or you can have your campaign run continuously depending on your goals.
You are competing through the bids that you place on keywords. Because Advanced campaigns are based on a cost-per-click model, you get to choose how much each click is worth to you. Our suggested bids and bid ranges are based on a number of factors, including past performance and marketplace trends. Using the suggested bids and bid ranges can help take the guesswork out of setting competitive bids. However, sellers are not required to use Advanced campaigns if you've determined that Advanced campaigns isn't the right model for you. Promoted Listings Standard is still available for all eligible sellers to use.