12-21-2024 10:53 AM
The 3 pieces I have appear to be designed by same artist. They are of women - two have spiky crowns with a hole in center going down into body of figure (to hold candle?) these two have hair that goes out to the sides and inch or more, one has long straight hair coiled to the side and ends in curls, one has braids(?) that reach to what I would guess to be her waist, and the thrid has very straight hair that falls to her shoulders, on her head is a "boat" like feature with hole in center (to hold candle?)
The eyes are pierced into the figure body with a round iris/pupil remaining. Each has a round hole for a mouth and have painting on the body for design, there is also piercing in the body as part of design.
My guess is these come from Mexico or southward, possibly from the 1960's or 1970's.
I do not know how to upload photos here and when I try I get a message: "You do not have permission to upload images."