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October Seller Category Changes

I'd like to point out some of the problems with eBay's item species:


Subjects:  Here's where things get really strange


Select from Black Bear, Brown Bear, or Grizzly Bear (Why not just "bear?)


A few colleges are listed: Select from Harvard, Cal, Yale, Princeton, New Jersey State College, Illinois, Missouri, Washington State (Just so random.  Large schools such as UCLA, Ohio State, Texas, Florida are missing.  Why choose from  a few, but not all?  If it's just these few, why do any?  Why not just use Colleges & Universities?)


There are several subjects that are popular in foreign countries, but not in the US. (Edelweiss, Rathskeller, Penmaenmawr Tunnel, Milky & Schoki, Frankfurt Airport)  US sellers are not likely to have these cards.


Some of these choices are oddly too specific (Clark Lake Pleasant View Hotel, Bryce Canyon National Park, Sanilac County Jail, etc)  These are not the best known, largest etc.


And some of these categories are uncommon or rarely sought (meerkats, chimpanzees, sheep, personal life, lizards)


Again, I'd like to hear from eBay.  Where did these come from?  Not from anyone who knows about postcards.  You've known these new specifics were coming for a long time and this is what you came up with?  Next time call me!!


And finally this is what causes the lack of confidence in eBay and resentment from sellers.  You're a multi-million dollar company that has the resources to get this done right.  Instead sellers are going to have trouble finding the right specific and buyers are going to have trouble finding cards.  A lot of money is going to be lost as a result.  I'd never heard a complaint about the old categories.  It wasn't broken.


We really deserve an explanation that does not use corporate speech about "new directions," "proactively preparing for the future," and "bold, new directions."


C'mon eBay, talk to us. That's what you should have done before launching the changes.

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Re: October Seller Category Changes

Exactly !!

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Re: October Seller Category Changes

I took a look at the listing page and all I could figure is that : it is either using  items a seller has used before or it took a random date and added item specifics from what was listed that day or hour or what ever. I tried Towns, put in Kansas and got pages of town but not from Ks. I say most were from overseas. Next I went to era : All were related to wars and not what a postcard collector would look for ( pre WW1 before 1914, WW1 1914-1918 etc) I don't know where to go to complain but this is not going to work for sellers or buyer.  I am going to look at the other  category next and see what a mess this is!   

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Re: October Seller Category Changes

It's awful. The Subject should be hierarchical: "Animals", "National Parks", "Colleges & Universities" (and most "National Parks" and "Colleges & Universities" will fall into the new topographical category anyway).


Then their should be another subtopic to break up Animals: Bear, Cat, Dog, etc.

Another subtopic to break up National Parks: Yosemite, Yellowstone, etc.

Another subtopic to break up Colleges & Universities: Yale, Harvard, UCLA, Ohio State, etc.



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