I am trying to add a prepaid AMEX card to split a purchase with a debit
card, but eBay will not verify the card with this error: "We couldn't
verify this card. Please select a different payment method." I added
this card to Amazon and Paypal to see i...
I applied for one of these cards, I got a "check the responce" from the
bank, entered the code and my info, it says my info doesn't match their
records. What's up with that?
If that is true, I will never sell another thing on eBay. What a bunch
of crap. I’ve been on eBay since it started and bought and sold all
kinds of things. I hope this isn’t true. If it is, it’s yet another
company that got too greedy!!!
Hi there y’all. I’ll cut to the chase. eBay wrongfully permanently
suspended my account from selling. Essentially I had amassed an amount I
owed them, and didn’t pay it for like 2 months, cause I had life stuff
go on. I contact them and they’re all l...
I noticed today it requires you to input a payment method. While this
existed before, it now seems ALL best offers require it. (I know because
I tested with a few sellers I buy from) I do not have any unpaid
strikes. The annoyance is though you canno...
On my spreadsheet, do I record the total sale plus the shipping? Even
though I record the shipping in a separate column? The buyer pays the
shipping so it's a little confusing.
I tried sending an $8 item as a gift to my girlfriend. Payment method is
my debit card not PayPal. Each time I try eBay says, “We can't process
your payment. Please select a different payment method or check your
payment detail”. After numerous trial...
Hello. I was buying as a guest on eBay for the 5 parts that I needed.
But when I confirmed, it told me to verify as a human, but then the
server timeout. Is there anyway to fix this or is there a maintenance or
I sold a chanel bag on eBay on 12/6/22. EBay restricted my account and
asked for a copy of an ID. I provided front and back of my DL. Since
that time I have chatted with customer service, contacted BBB, emailed
CEO of eBay and contacted eBay for busi...