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Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

So if this already sure as hell is hidden..but why can't we have multiple ...or at least two different bank accounts to pay out to? Let's say I have my Rainy day Account and my Vacation Money Account.. And if I'm selling things and I want an even split between the two? THis doesn't seem too hard.. I don't see any draw back either. Is this not doable?

Message 1 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

I suggest you go into your local bank and set up such accounts.  Paypal has no good customer support and has you contact them through social media. I would not suggest using them to hold your money

Message 2 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

Payouts have to go to a checking account. From there, you can move it as you wish between accounts. Money cannot be deposited into a savings type account for your eBay payouts. Pay-pal has no bearing on payouts it is not used, buyers can still use it to purchase items. 

Message 3 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

Where did the OP say anything about PayPal?

Message 4 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

eBay allows for multiple payout accounts - with multiple selling ID’s.  Otherwise, it is exceedingly easy to move money between accounts after deposits occur.

Message 5 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

"Where did the OP say anything about PayPal?"

simba6 brought it up. 

Message 6 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

Lol did anyone actually read the question I asked? I asked is it possible to have two accounts (checking yes...) to one seller account. so I can freely switch between the two. I'm not sure if this is such a tall ask...

Message 7 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

@vitamins_coffee_books wrote:

Lol did anyone actually read the question I asked? I asked is it possible to have two accounts (checking yes...) to one seller account. so I can freely switch between the two. I'm not sure if this is such a tall ask...




Have a great day.
Message 8 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

It IS a tall ask. It is not as simple as just adding another field for another account. 


1 - They are not the payment processor; they rely on another company to make the payments. They have to abide by that contract and rules around that contract. They cannot just up and say, "hey we are going to allow multiple payment options so here you go, add all these accounts". If the payment processor says one bank account per seller, then eBay has to abide by that. 


If they could get past that, then there is all the below.


2 - They would have to do all the exact same steps for the second bank account you want to add that they do for the first, ranging from ID verification, bank sign on verification, micro deposit verification, regulatory requirements for financial information, all the way down to the 1099. 


3 - Then what about all of the above if it is a different bank? Let's say your vacation account is with Chase and your other account is with Bank Of America. That is another layer of complexity and CS.


4 - There would be increased CS costs for number 2 above and not to mention the seller that does not select the right account and then fires off the "ZOMG you put the payment to the wrong account you need to reverse it" to CS.


5 - Audits and reconciliation would take longer and have more issues due to volume, if everyone added another account it would essentially double everything on this step as well. 


6 - Which account would be used when eBay needs to charge shipping labels or yank back funds etc. How would they even process that, and then all the associated CS calls because of that.


eBay is NOT a bank, they are only required to provide us with a method to receive payments, that requires one account, not multiple methods. You wanting to switch between accounts is something you want added for your convenience, there is no monetary gain for eBay, only increased costs. 


Your bank on the other hand, generally has options to transfer between accounts. I would utilize that functionality and add an additional step through your bank to transfer to another account within the bank or use other options that are available to transfer funds to another bank. 


Just off the top of my head. 

Message 9 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

Just wondering if you ever figured anything out for this? I just don't understand why I can't have a portion of this Going to my eBay credit card or into any of the cards that I have linked. Cause I have multiple cards linked pay pal is linked It just seems like to me

They could update their app and fix it Because I would even like to have some turning into crypto somewhere 

Message 10 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

This link explains you get paid directly in your checking account or Visa or Mastercard debit card.   


After it's available if you don't want to wait 1-3 days for the payment to process, for a fee  you can use Express Payout to request a portion to go to your debit card.  Then you can use the amount you requested immediately, or more like in 30 minutes.  

The first time you use Express Payout it takes 24 hrs to activate.


You'll have to add 4814 to the first url because for some reason it didn't  paste.


Message 11 of 13
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Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

Re: Why Can't We Have Multiple Payout Accounts?

Hi everyone,

Due to the age of this thread, it has been closed to further replies. Please feel free to start a new thread HERE if you wish to continue to discuss this topic.

Thank you for understanding.

Message 13 of 13
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