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New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

Just getting my first bad taste of eBay's new seller payout system. It's a huge step backwards. With PayPal's recent addition of instant transfers, a person could get their payment from the buyer within minutes of the sale taking place. Now, you make your sale. A day and a half later you get an email from eBay telling you it has finally been sent to your financial institution, then get ready to wait another 1-3 days after that. LAME! And like others, I also preferred keeping my eBay sales separate from my regular bank account in the PayPal account. Of course Ebay tries to tout the benefits of what they offer with this sad new system, but the snails pace outweighs the minimal benefits they're claiming. At least for a smaller seller like myself. eBay please get smart and fix this **bleep**.

Message 1 of 106
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105 REPLIES 105

Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

Exactly!!! See, eBay doesn't care, or didn't even consider that us small business owners have to actually have the money to ship the item we just sold, at least for me, I don't have a pile of money sitting around to ship items, and last time I checked USPS still charges a fee, so I guess I should just tell USPS hey, I will pay you when eBay pays me.... They don't care, they only care about big, corporate accounts that don't have to wait for payment to send an item.... I love explaining to my customers, that there will be a 6 day delay in shipping due to eBays NEW payment system, and if they are not happy to please contact eBay and tell them why shipping is taking SO long. I suggest everyone do the same, with enough **bleep** off sellers and buyers, they have to listen.

Message 46 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

I don't know what kind of barbaric payment system you are referring to, but in my store, payment is either CASH, which is instant or EFT, which is also instant, I accept Facebook pay, Venmo, Cash App & Paypal pay. No square, no waiting on a credit card company to process payment and take a percentage because they let me use their equipment... It's 2021, we don't have to use that outdated system of waiting on money. If you are then I suggest you update your POS system. Also, a brick and mortar store doesn't need the money to ship an item it just sold, so when a customer pays, I get my money then, and they get their item then.... So completely not the same comparison. 

Message 47 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

I do not send anything until the money hits my bank account, which I do not like because I keep my business funds and personal funds separate, or at least I did. Anyway, tell your customers like I do, there will be a 6 day delay in shipping until I get the funds from eBay, if you are not happy with this, please contact eBay and tell them why you are not happy!...


Hopefully if enough small time sellers and BUYERS complain they will fix it. Although their history has shown they don't really care.

Message 48 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

What system are you using? I sell, I get paid 6 days later, I ship when I get paid, 3 days past eBay's "shipment window". You don't see a problem there? You must not sell a lot, because let me tell you, having a customer wait 6 days on shipping, tends to tick them off. The system is clearly defective, and replaces a system that was in my experience, perfect. I personally am searching for an alternative to eBay. If their isn't something quickly available, I will create it myself, and team up with Pay-Pal and go head to head against eBay, using thier own thrown to the curb system. You may think it's laughable, but I was here in the early days when eBay was a giant garage sale with no "stores", or business sellers, it was peer to peer selling, we paid with checks, money orders or bank drafts back then and it was painfully slow, then Paypal came along and everything was much better, so much so, eBay eventually bought Paypal and everything was finally great! Seamless, fast, secure payments... Fast forward 23 years and here we are again, eBay is once again without Paypal (because they split from eBay) and we are back to painfully slow payments and shipping. eBay grew from nothing, the time is ripe for a competitor to rise from nothing.

Message 49 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

Paypal was owned by eBay, they split (again), so this is eBay's "answer" to the problem. So yeah, when you got your payment instantly from Paypal, it WAS eBay too. So yeah, eBay could do it, they just refuse to, but expect us to do it. No thanks. There is a reason they do not give us funds before they process, yet we are supposed to ship items we sold before they process our funds... does that make any sense? No.

Message 50 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

Paypal is in a sense a bank, the only difference between a bank account and Paypal, is you do not earn interest on money kept in your Paypal account and it isn't protected under the FDIC, other than that, it functions exactly like a bank. Secondly, Paypal was owned by eBay, it wasn't until recently that they split, again, so when Paypal was issuing "instant" funds, it was eBay. eBay could do it, they just don't. But expect us to. No thanks. Don't ask me to do something you will not do, and expect me not to complain. It's that simple.

Message 51 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

Well, like in 90% of the retail world, I prefer to pay my invoice once per month, the way it is now, with fees coming from one auction to cover the cost of another auction. It's a cluster. Great it somehow works for you, but it's not working for me, and thousands of others. So it's adapt or move on? It should be MY option to accept Paypal or not, I shouldn't as a seller be forced to use eBay's outdated system when there is a clear alternative. There is no more "the customer is always right", that's pretty clear.

Message 52 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

i agree completely! My last two sales were shipped on July 9. Today is July 12 and I still have no indication from eBay that there is a payout on either of these items. I'm about to look elsewhere for selling my items. It's not a good way for eBay to treat members with over 1,000 positive replies and 100 percent positive feedback.

Message 53 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

It's not easy to find a way to contact eBay without having to go through a dozwn robots.

Message 54 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

@ulfesharpe wrote:

@kensgiftshop wrote:

When you go to a grocery store or gas station and use a debit/credit card, don't they let you leave with the merchandise before they receive the funds?

Does that recurrent justification even make sense? An online platform is not a grocery store. We're here ONLINE because we trade fast, and it's supposed to be faster  — that's the whole point.

No, Ebay isn't a grocery store, but the payments are processed the same way.

No one said MP was going to be faster.

The only way to make it faster is if they gave us access to the funds before they received them, like Pay Pal did, but it's not going to happen.




Have a great day.
Message 55 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

@car_226227 wrote:

Well, I’m calling **bleep** on that. Anytime I use a debit card to purchase something those funds are out of my bank account before I walk out the door.

They put a hold on the funds, but the payment still has to be processed.

Have you ever checked your bank statement against your receipts and notice some of the dates change, from when the payment was made and the funds actually being taken from your account.

Have a great day.
Message 56 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

@car_226227 wrote:

Never once had an issue with PayPal so you are sorely mistaken if you believe what you say. You can’t purchase out of pending funds because you don’t see the funds until they are actually in your bank account.

I purchase all my shipping labels using the pending funds.

Have a great day.
Message 57 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

@car_226227 wrote:

Every time I get gas or go to the grocery store those funds are out of my bank before I walk out the door or leave the gas station. So, no they aren’t letting to do anything of the such. 

The funds are put on hold, but don't leave your account until the process is started.

Just like here, when a buyer pays, those funds are held until the payment is processed.

Have a great day.
Message 58 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

@car_226227 wrote:

You are seriously delusional if you think it works like before. Not to mention that is just a flat out lie made b6 pure ignorance.


The only difference is, it takes a couple days to receive the funds.

I haven't changed the way I do anything, still ship the same or next day and the funds are deposited in my account on Wednesday mornings.

Have a great day.
Message 59 of 106
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Re: New ebay payout system is painfully slow.

I think the real problem here is that people live day to day and expect things instant. Yeah no doubt paypal spoiled us with that. But that is gone, so adjust and move on. For me I have monthly goals that are always met by my ebay sales, so nothing has changed for me. @kensgiftshop  said keep listing, keep selling. That's what we do. No more monthly invoice. I like that! 

Message 60 of 106
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