12-18-2020 06:47 AM
I got the word I was going to go to managed payments. As a lot of you suggested, I opened a checking account to use just for EBay. I get message after message that my account cannot be verified. Have gone over and over everything. I have uploaded documents at least 30 times. Called Customer Service. She said to just upload a bank account. Told her did that numerous times. She said to be patient. Another week has gone by. I get messages that money was sent to my bank account, messages that they need to verify my bank info, it just goes around in circles. Meanwhile have received no money. Any ideas where to go from here?
12-18-2020 07:01 AM
It seems that few ebay employees, outside of those working directly with Managed Payment can or will offer help for problems such as yours. You can try facebook - ebay for business - or twit, whatever their addy is there. Or, keep trying CS and ask to be transferred to someone that is associated with MP.
12-18-2020 07:09 AM
I'm in the same boat. Waited around 4 hours for a call back yesterday. Got an email saying they tried to call. No they didn't. Phone records prove that. Waited another three hours for another request and heard nothing. Says they will call back in four minutes this morning......that was two hours ago.
12-18-2020 07:27 AM
The name on your BANK ACCOUNT must be an EXACT MATCH as name on your EBAY account. Social Security# must be for same person as BANK ACCOUNT and EBAY account. Check your Profile to see what name is on your EBAY account (when you originally signed up for EBAY).
That is most common reason for delay or denial. Unfortunately, customer service reps don't seem to know much about MANAGED PAYMENTS works.
Even after everything gets approved...it still could take additional 1-2 WEEKS before MANAGED PAYMENTS is active.
12-18-2020 07:34 AM
And even when everything is perfect, they still won't get it to work.
12-18-2020 08:29 AM
You might be my answer. I checked and my checking account has my middle initial but my EBay does not. I thought the easiest way would be to amend my EBay name. I went to edit it and there is no place to add a middle initial?
12-18-2020 08:37 AM
My problem was how my name was entered on my ebay account versus my bank account. Ebay did not have space available for my middle initial, and all my bank records use my middle initial. This was solved when someone on the board advised me to revise my ebay name by entering my first name, then space, and enter my middle initial. (Example: Fred B is now listed as the first name.) This solved my problem once I emailed a copy of one of my checks which now matches.
12-18-2020 08:41 AM
It's really bad...
I joined MP when it first came out and things always worked good.
Then about a week ago I started getting an error message in my seller hub.
Said I needed to update my account information.
I tried to edit that section to make sure all information was matching, and get an error.
First off no calling in and no chat (other than maybe with bots which are powered by the help section which is USELESS).
Facebook help sent me to Help section.
Are you serious, I know how to turn on my PC!
I did get a call back after waiting ALL day, the gentleman stated they opened a ticket so someone would be working on it. That was two days ago, I know I should be patient but somehow I see that ticket never being attended to. I realize I can just let the error sit but I also feel it should be fixed because it's likely to cause problems later?
The only good news is I did get my money this week, I just checked my bank account and it's there but that could change anytime, also I've had no sales at all now for the third day.
I have just about lost faith in ebay, when I say that I'm thinking of closing shop because I don't want to be on the receiving end of even worse errors.
01-04-2021 01:52 PM
I could also use help with this. I have literally spent hours trying to resolve this with eBay. They call back sometimes at 9 pm and if you miss the call, it is another 14 day wait. My checking account cannot be verified. I am trying to get $405 eBay owes me and then I will NEVER do business here again. That is a lot of money to just walk away from, but I cannot get anyone to help me. I had no problem receiving payments via paypal, but this new change will not allow me to receive a payout into my checking account from eBay. I am so frustrated and angry. They are the worst to deal with - what happened? I used to sell things for extra money all the time and eBay was great. Now you can't contact them and they won't respond or help. I've had my checking account for over 20 years, I am providing the correct information, but they keep rejecting it as not valid. I've gone in circles since November. GRRRR!