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Make An Offer Payment Requirements And Settings

eBay, at some point within the last year or so, introduced some changes to the "make an offer" portion. I think there are 2 problems with this:

1. The option was defaulted to on/enabled. Rather than just allowing buyers to enable as desired or needed, eBay defaulted this option to on

2. GPay is not an allowed payment method with this. So, for someone like myself, who only uses GPay, I simply cannot submit offers for anything. I'm only left with manually messaging offers (which honestly isn't a very good practice for me or the seller) or asking sellers to change the option that was implemented. The latter isn't a great option, either.


I've seen information that this setting is under: My eBay > Account > Site preferences > Buyer requirements

In my case, this is not true as this area plainly doesn't exist on my account. I've found you can get to the setting under: My eBay > Account Tab > Selling-Selling Preferences > Your buyers - Managing who can buy from you

I find this to be a pretty obscure location as this really has nothing to do with "who" but payment options. You can also get to this page directly via:


Although I've sold a thing or two (I think) on eBay, I'm not really a "seller" and have never looked for these options. So, eBay has defaulted both of these to enabled on my account.

For anyone who agrees that this was implemented poorly, an eBay agent said feedback can be shared through this link:


Hopefully this information will be helpful for anyone else who's noticed this and sellers who may not realize this was a "forced" change to their setup.

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Make An Offer Payment Requirements And Settings

This is not a buyer option. The option falls on the seller. 

And with most new things, they tend to make them automatic with the option to opt out. 

Message 2 of 6
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Make An Offer Payment Requirements And Settings

Google pay?....heck, I don't know anyone who takes that. 

Just open a debit card with a bank. 

What if something happened and you could pay with your card? Would you not be able to buy food?

So I received the same thing. Even though you submit a credit card it doesn't mean you have to pay with it.

I had several auctions last week and was able to pay with a different card on file...1 have 5 cards on file.

The card on file is if you don't pay for an auction after 4 days. Its not fair for sellers to have auctions and then the buyer doesn't pay up.


Message 3 of 6
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Make An Offer Payment Requirements And Settings

Yeah, I'm aware it's a seller option. That's why I mentioned in point 2 that buyers would have to ask the seller. I'll edit to maybe make this a bit clearer, though.

or maybe I won't edit it, lol. I guess there's not an option for it. But, the information about the option was for seller information.

Message 4 of 6
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Make An Offer Payment Requirements And Settings

Your reply doesn't help anyone. Just because you don't know about anyone/anything that takes GPay doesn't mean it should excluded and it doesn't mean that people don't use it. I see it on any eBay auction I've looked at. I know how to open debit/credit cards. I never said I had an issue with this.


> Its not fair for sellers to have auctions and then the buyer doesn't pay up.
You oversimplified the issue here. I mentioned a 2 part problem. I agree with this statement on a general basis. But again, this doesn't help solve the issues I pointed out.


I said in my post that it was meant to be information to help people who didn't know about these changes and a feedback link for people to voice their opinion. There have been other threads here on these 2 things, so it's not like I'm alone in my dislike. The eBay rep I spoke to also said they'd received a decent amount of complaints about it.

Message 5 of 6
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Make An Offer Payment Requirements And Settings

You're correct, the simplest way to put it, it does NOTHING to increase sales, it actually likely DECREASES sales. The only "positive" is the elimination of non-payers. 


I think the program was ridiculous to begin with. Instead of blanketing all buyers with it, it shouldve been targetted where ONLY BUYERS WITH HISTORY OF NON PAYMENT ARE SUBJECTED TO THESE RESTRICTIONS.


That would have required a little forethought by EBay though...

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