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Immediate payment now required with Best Offer? No!

This is very frustrating. 

I'm trying to use klarna to make a large purchase on Ebay, and cannot enter the details for a total into klarna that I don't already know! 

I'm trying to best offer on an auction and have several preferences for in what order I'm submitting best offer on similar items as I am able to work what I'm looking to work. Furthermore, if everything else in my potential purchase was set into stone and didn't have variances depending on how this singular best offer auction works - I could apply to the klarna payment, review my options, select one, and put in a card number ⇨ But if anything changes (like decline with counter) and I need to work magic (buy an ebay card to supplement klarna's cap on my purchase, which they charged me for when they generated the card), I'm too late to do so. To ask for more from Klarna requires a card cancel and regeneration (different number), and to enter a "larger than what's possible to cover all and know it'll only take what it needs amount" into klarna could end up going beyond my known limits (spending power). 

All in all requiring immediate payment details for a single best-offer-auction in ebay is severely limiting and I see it being the reason people will go to Amazon instead. It's just easier at that point to wait for used-like new listings that beat out the listing prices on buy-it-now or best-offer auctions, plus you'll get the rocket-speed shipping of Amazon not contingent upon seller handling times.

This was not a nice move. Sellers cancel sales all the time - I recently bought a phone (buy it now) and it was cancelled 3 days later because they "forgot" that they had already sold it in person already. 

I think you're trying waaaay to hard to appease some smaller sellers, or maybe its some larger sellers, when you really need to be working harder to retain buying power - which this move entirely killed. 

Please remove the seller's ability to require immediate payment so that buyers can add best-offers to the cart as we've been able to for years now!

There's instances where

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Immediate payment now required with Best Offer? No!

The seller is having their item taken off the market because you made a best offer.

I had a buyer ask for a combine shipping 4 items...and after 4 days I had to cancel the order for buyer not paying. My items were off the market for 4 days. 

Seller probably got tired of buyers not paying. Not saying you would never, never do that but it does happen.

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