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Funds on hold

How do you keep someone's money .I mean is that legal .it sure did make it where I was unable to ship 

Message 1 of 30
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Funds on hold

eBay lost money on that one and more to come I'm leaving 

Message 2 of 30
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Funds on hold

Why are you unable to ship?

You can use those 'held' funds to pay for your label. Just scroll down on the label page and choose that option.

Message 3 of 30
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Funds on hold

Im sure you will be greatly missed.


“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 4 of 30
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Funds on hold

Why couldn't you ship the item?

You can use the pending funds to cover the shipping.

Since it sold for more then $1000, they'll hold the funds for 30 days.

If you cancel the order, you'll have to pay the refund until the buyers payment is released to you.

Have a great day.
Message 5 of 30
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Funds on hold

You know the buyer can get that feedback you left for the buyer removed.

Have a great day.
Message 6 of 30
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Funds on hold

Sending an angry note to eBay by leaving it as a feedback for one of your (innocent) buyers may not have been your best option.

Message 7 of 30
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Funds on hold

There is a hold on payments in some cases.  New sellers , sellers that have not sold for a period of time (90 days often) or sellers that sell a high value item along with a few other reasons can trigger such a hold. eBay does free up the shipping even if the rest of the money is on hold.


Sounds like you had a classic business cash flow problem?  You needed the payment to buy the merchandise so you could ship it?

Message 8 of 30
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Funds on hold

New sellers on online marketplaces and even new recipients from processing services like paypal have to earn trust before they are paid.


You have not yet sold and delivered enough to be paid for a big ticket item.


If you do not ship this item, it will prove the policy is appropriate.

Message 9 of 30
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Funds on hold

@toolman-2020 wrote:

How do you keep someone's money .I mean is that legal .it sure did make it where I was unable to ship 



1) Payments on hold | eBay


2) Getting paid for items you've sold | eBay


3) Printing and canceling shipping labels | eBay


It's all legal. Tick the links (above) on the policies you accepted when you signed on to sell here.


Also... 'leaving' is one thing, but closing your account now (to your satisfaction) is another whole set of links. Good luck.

Message 10 of 30
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Funds on hold

"more to come and I'm leaving."

Yes, you will be leaving if you continue to not ship after the buyer pays. 


The label cost can be paid for with the funds being held.


Feedback is not a message board to eBay. It is to let others know how the transaction went. It's not your buyer's problem if eBay is holding the funds.

Message 11 of 30
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Funds on hold

1 listing for 1500 bucks and no other sales? then it doesn't matter how long you have been a member there going to hold those funds maybe as long at 90 days..... maybe longer if your sales account info is not complete and accurate.

all depends on you doing your part as a seller and following the guidelines that we all have to follow

until you have some transactions going on a regular basis then the funds are going to be held. we seem to have a rash of people that DO NOT UNDERSTAND the process nor the algorithm.

because you have no sales transactions, the the money is locked up for a period of time.

create some sales, even $2 pencils and get some REGULAR SALES traffic moving then you won't get those funds held. (once the algorithm kicks in) and presuming your seller metrics are good.

you can thank all the previous people that came on here and ripped people off for the money holds (mostly) the rest of it is part risk management by ebay and banking regulations.

if you randomly deposit a $20,000 check in the bank your not going to see those funds released for days, if you are depositing $20,000 checks on a regular basis (and they have all been clearing) you will see funds released much faster like 24 hours. that's what a algorithm does.

Message 12 of 30
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Funds on hold

they should at least notify the buyer what they are doing with their money because they don't know 

Message 13 of 30
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Funds on hold

i am closing my account no doubt . buyer thinks I'm lying about hold on funds . I could not afford to ship item eBay put hold on funds buyer paid for shipping .nothing i could do about it . I just don't have it . More then that buyers don't know that eBay is doing this

Message 14 of 30
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Funds on hold

not freight it cant

Message 15 of 30
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