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Ebay demanding bank account info

I have been a paypal user since ebay forced me to sign up with them in 1999. (they were a part of ebay)
I have become comfortable with their service and I am not willing to change payment providers.
Ebay is sending me threatening letter through my email to update my payment info or there will be some unknown repercussions.
I am about a day from contacting a lawyer and suing ebay if they don't either mail me a check or deposit my funds in my paypal account.
Any suggestions besides giving ebay my banking info?

Message 1 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@varebelrose wrote:

"You really don't know the laws of the Great state of California (which ebay does business in no matter if they are a delaware corporation).."

Ummm, eBay has been based out of San Jose Ca. since day one. Just sayin'....

Yes, but like many corporations all over the country, they’re incorporated in Delaware. Here’s the first line of their incorporation filing with the SEC:


eBay Inc., a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of Delaware”

Message 16 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

"Actually, being as I live in California they have to give me another option"




“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 17 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

Their headquarters may still be in San Jose but in April 2012 they amended their corporate address to Dover DE.

Message 18 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@fishyfool wrote:

You really don't know the laws of the Great state of California (which ebay does business in no matter if they are a delaware corporation)..



Could you provide a link to the California statute section you're relying on as the basis for this claim? As a currently-enrolled student of Google University College of Law, I'd like to take a look at it.

Message 19 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@fab_finds4u wrote:

Their headquarters may still be in San Jose but in April 2012 they amended their corporate address to Dover DE.

eBay originally incorporated in CA in 1996, then re-incorporated in Delaware in 1998. This info is in their SEC 10-K filing.

Message 20 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@eleanor*rigby wrote:

@fishyfool wrote:

You really don't know the laws of the Great state of California (which ebay does business in no matter if they are a delaware corporation)..



Could you provide a link to the California statute section you're relying on as the basis for this claim? As a currently-enrolled student of Google University College of Law, I'd like to take a look at it.

I'll get the popcorn.

Message 21 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

"Could you provide a link to the California statute section you're relying on as the basis for this claim? As a currently-enrolled student of Google University College of Law, I'd like to take a look at it."




“Never pick a fight with an ugly person. They don’t have anything to lose.” ~Robin Williams
Message 22 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

I will try to be polite since this is a common sorce of angst among sellers who need to transition tp MP

You migh be uposet with ebay but I do not think they threatened you.its probably just a warning


a warning can get me in a tizzy............who do these folks think they are................the nerve of them


maybe its just a mandate..........whoops ...........theres that word again


if you do not roll with the changes.............then the changes roll right over you


MP is here to stay.........its a piece of cake


Germantown proud Germantown strong
up the whiskey hickon
moving right along
Message 23 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info



I'm not sure what good a lawyer is going to do you except cost you money.  Ebay needs to verify you before allowing your MP account to go active.  The quickest way to getting your money is to give them the information they want.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 24 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@fishyfool wrote:

Actually, being as I live in California they have to give me another option


There is no other option.

To get paid, you have to sign up for Managed Payments.

We've known this for more then 3 years so everyone has time to decided what they want to do.

Have a great day.
Message 25 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

**bleep**. Ebay verified me 22 years ago when I sold my first item. It's a power play by Ebay and I'm not playing along.

Message 26 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@fishyfool wrote:

**bleep**. Ebay verified me 22 years ago when I sold my first item. It's a power play by Ebay and I'm not playing along.



It's nothing about a power play, it's about being able to be paid.

Have a great day.
Message 27 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@fishyfool wrote:

**bleep**. Ebay verified me 22 years ago when I sold my first item. It's a power play by Ebay and I'm not playing along.

Well you can always wait until the requisite time period passes and eBay sends your money to the state of residence tied to your account as "abandoned funds" and then apply with that state to claim the money as yours.   


That would definitely get around that "please provide your checking account info so we can deposit your funds" bit that you are concerned about.  


Personally, I think that providing the information needed to get paid would be a whole lot faster and easier. 

Message 28 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

dear,I think it might have happened because of an update. I think it would be nice to talk to them before making a long decision. thank you

Message 29 of 34
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Ebay demanding bank account info

@fishyfool wrote:

**bleep**. Ebay verified me 22 years ago when I sold my first item. It's a power play by Ebay and I'm not playing along.

Good for you, stick it to the man (who has your money). Hire that lawyer (and lose even more money). Brilliant strategy.

Message 30 of 34
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