12-27-2022 05:36 PM
12-27-2022 05:43 PM
Have you tried calling the number on the back? Is the item coming from a USA seller? Are you trying to use more then one card for a purchase?
12-27-2022 06:05 PM
I'd take the message at face value, and try again later. If you want to make sure your cash is still on them, use this link.
Good luck. >> Check eBay Gift Card Balance, eBay Digital Gift Card | eBay
12-27-2022 06:14 PM
When did you purchase them? Are you positive they're activated since it can take up to 4 hrs for them to become activated after you purchase them, provided the cashier entered everything correctly.
Something went wrong sounds like you're trying to use it right away after buying or someone already broke the 4 digit code on the card and used it. The redemption code is embedded on the back of the card in fine print except for the last 4 numbers.
12-27-2022 06:47 PM
Another thing is what are you trying to buy? Some things you can't buy with a gift card, And is this a US seller you're trying to buy from?