01-27-2022 06:51 AM
Why buy the item and not pay? We need an easier way to block buyers and keep them out of personal auctions and also have other sellers look into possibly a waste of time.
01-27-2022 07:42 AM
If a buyer hasn’t paid within 4 days, on the 5th day you can go to your Seller Hub to cancel the transaction using the “Buyer hasn't paid” reason and this gives the buyer a strike and you can relist. In future to have eBay automatically cancel your transactions due to non-payment:
Go here: https://www.ebay.com/Cancel/Preference/UnpaidPurchase
Put the current non payer on your BBL and then set your preferences to block all buyers with 2 unpaid item strikes in 12 months.
01-27-2022 07:49 AM
You can avoid nonpayment by listing items for a fixed price with immediate payment required and by not accepting offers. If you receive an offer you like, lower the buy it now price to the offer amount to preserve the immediate payment requirement. That way a buyer must complete checkout and pay, or else the item remains listed.
01-27-2022 07:52 AM