04-17-2021 07:41 PM
I have seen pages and pages of posts from buyers complaining they cannot checkout and pay for items they are trying to purchase. I have reviewed several of these posts searching for a resolution, but found none. Please someone tell me what is going on?? Is this a technical glitch that EBay has resolved, or is it something from the seller’s end that I need to ensure I am handling properly in my listings/policies? I am in managed payments, and though I haven’t heard specifically from any buyers about an inability to buy from me, I am concerned about losing business if a buyer can’t pay and simply leaves and buys on another marketplace! So, I am posting this to see if there is some problem and if it has been resolved? Has anyone else noticed this or had buyers unable to purchase/checkout?
thanks for your input!
04-18-2021 06:12 AM
I just responded to a similar post, as a buyer, I have to keep adding the three (3) digit number on the back of my card, and wait for the payment to update 😠 For me, it has been going on since January 😠 I have always been an eBay kind of gal, but if it is this complicated to purchase, I will stop buying here.
I was going to ask, however, with some of the 'snippy' responders (not all) I was like forget it.
04-18-2021 06:19 AM
Ebay is broken and will always be broken. This has been going on since manage payments came into play. Ebay's not my number 1 selling platform anymore, I will list but don't expect to sell. If I sell something on Ebay I consider it a plus.