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Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

I don't understand why this is necessary in order for ebay to continue sending me my payouts? I've already provided my bank account info, SSN, and other information to continue selling items, now they're asking for access to even more personal information? Anyone know if it's tax related or because of sellers selling high ticketed items? I sell video games and collectibles, I doubt that would classify as "high priced" compared to antique furniture, watches, or jewelry. 


I'm just a part-time seller/someone just looking to downsize on living space, I'm not trying to make a online business or long-time endeavor out of this. Considering ebay has had a security breach, I'd rather not take that chance. Are you guys ok with this or have you uploaded your photo id on here? 

Message 1 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?


Have you tried to list or buy an item yet?

I noticed you recently joined in December.  If you list an item for bid/sale and eBay does not ask for your banking , SSN and the like.....please come back to this board and inform us.  I would greatly appreciate it.

Message 31 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

@metaltech1 wrote:


Have you tried to list or buy an item yet?

I noticed you recently joined in December.  If you list an item for bid/sale and eBay does not ask for your banking , SSN and the like.....please come back to this board and inform us.  I would greatly appreciate it.

I think you just misunderstood what they said.  Not every seller has had to supply their Driver's license and/or Bank Statements.  Typically when Ebay asks for that ADDITIONAL info it is because they are trying to work out some discrepancy they see in the previous info supplied to them.


Ebay does ask all new sellers for their Bank routing number, Bank checking account number and their full SSN.  They just don't automatically ask for DL or bank stmt.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 32 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

This is happening in England too and eBay don’t want to say why they are collect more personal data. It can’t be because of certain legislation in your Country, it must be eBay. I have bee abused on the U.K. forum just for trying to find out the reason for ID.

Message 33 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

This is happening in England too and eBay don’t want to say why they are collect more personal data. It can’t be because of certain legislation in your Country, it must be eBay. I have bee abused on the U.K. forum just for trying to find out the reason for ID. People side with eBay and think what they do is right!

Message 34 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

seriously, just f*** them, I used ebay for over 20 years and now I'm being blackmailed to send copies of my private documents, they are between me and the government authorities that issued them and only the Police  and customs/border officers etc. need to look at them. There is no need, the history + bank account is ample proof of identify and reliability. The above poster is correct, it you tolerate this... wait and see what happens next.. they will be deciding what you are allowed to use the money for.  They cannot be trusted, these documents will be leaked to intelligence agencies and can then be accessed by vast numbers of people including contractors. It only takes 1 bad apple and the data can be stolen and used to fake your identity, or a malevolent agency could use your identity to frame you for a crime you didn't committ.. the possibilities are just too scary. This is a business relationship built on trust, if they don't trust me, why should I trust them? Can I demand the copies of the id's of everyone who works  at Ebay, because what if they run off with my money? I need to know where they live and prove who they are too? Will they send me their id's? Just **bleep**. Let this dinosaur die.

Message 35 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?



You are mistaken about this.  Ebay is required by LAW to confirm your identity now that Ebay is also the Money Processor of record.  They don't have a choice in this.  They must confirm your identity before they can allow you to sell more items on the site.


While you may feel that certain things are enough to verify your identity the Federal Government's may feel differently and they will trump us all on this subject.


"They cannot be trusted, these documents will be leaked to intelligence agencies and can then be accessed by vast numbers of people including contractors."  All our financial info has always been encrypted.  You can't see it nor can anyone else that comes in to view your account.  Ebay has always had financial info on many of its sellers and have protected that information all these years.  There is no reason to believe that if you gave them your information that they would suddenly drop all their security measures so that you could be compromised.  


As to one bad apple.  That can be said for most any site.  


Whatever you decide to do, I wish you nothing but the best.  If you are planning to sell on any other site that is similar to Ebay and they have their own money processing system, you will run into the same problem.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 36 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

thank you for the info. Then by your assertion Ebay has broken the law already, they did not check my identity before I sold the items. They also did not check my identity when I was buying items. They are now only asking for my documents while holding my money. That is why this feels like blackmail. I realise you have a creeping fascism problem in the States, I really hope you can fix that soon before it is too late. I am not a citizen of the United States, nor do I live there. Irrespective, for all of us, we make a choice, vote with your feet, if you accept the regulations you will eventually suffer the further consequences of goverment interference in your life. Have a nice day.

Message 37 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

@wowzawowzawowza wrote:

thank you for the info. Then by your assertion Ebay has broken the law already, they did not check my identity before I sold the items. They also did not check my identity when I was buying items. They are now only asking for my documents while holding my money. That is why this feels like blackmail. I realise you have a creeping fascism problem in the States, I really hope you can fix that soon before it is too late. I am not a citizen of the United States, nor do I live there. Irrespective, for all of us, we make a choice, vote with your feet, if you accept the regulations you will eventually suffer the further consequences of goverment interference in your life. Have a nice day.

No, that is not at all what I said.  This is all about money processing for sellers and the laws that now surround that action.  It has NOTHING to do with buying at all.  


Yes and they will continue to hold your money until you comply with what they need so that they [Ebay] complies with federal law.  


I'm not sure how it works exactly for your country.  That you would need to look up for yourself.  The laws that you don't like are there for good reason.  You may not like them, but that doesn't mean they are wrong.

mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 38 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

You can blame the government for all the "free money" (Stimulus check) they gave people. - Nothing is ever free. Now the same government needs to pay back all that money and in The American Rescue Plan Act Biden signed they put online selling in this plan. Bring down the $20k and 200 transaction threshold down to $600 with no transaction threshold before receiving 1099. 


If you were already a seller passing the previous threshold nothing changes for you.


If you are a small seller who never passed the threshold and now once you pass $600 you get the hammer!


Ebay mask's this under the American Patriot Act. 


It's funny how ebay has users most private info for X amount of years and all of a sudden, They don't know who you are?


This is an over reach my government to gain more control over you and have BIG BROTHER watching your every move.


Call ebay and ask them If BestBuy who sells on ebay gave their Photo ID, Adidas, Etc. Ask them has any major retailer given their Photo ID.


I spoke with ebay Management and what they don't tell you is that submitting a copy of a Utility Bill is also acceptable. 


Also if you want to avoid the Photo ID the other thing you can do is Register as a business and get a TAX ID Number/ EIN from the government.


Wake up people! 

Message 39 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?



"You can blame the government for all the "free money" (Stimulus check) they gave people. - Nothing is ever free. Now the same government needs to pay back all that money and in The American Rescue Plan Act Biden signed they put online selling in this plan. Bring down the $20k and 200 transaction threshold down to $600 with no transaction threshold before receiving 1099. "


You do realize there were stimulus checks under the previous administration too, right?  Also and more importantly this change in the 1099K threshold is MERELY a threshold change on a FORM.  It is nothing more than that.  It doesn't change the laws that guide the IRS or the laws on when you are suppose to be reporting income.  IRS has no minimum threshold for reporting your income.


So if people have been reporting their income as IRS requires them to do, this change on the 1099K Form is nothing but a paperwork change.  It won't be increasing their taxes paid at all because they were always reporting their income as they should have been.  This only affects those that were NOT reporting income as they were suppose to be in previous years for whatever reason they may have.


So that is NOT a problem with the Biden administration, that is a personal issue for each person that had not been filling out their Federal Tax reports correctly in previous years.


"If you are a small seller who never passed the threshold and now once you pass $600 you get the hammer!"  ABSOLUTELY UNTRUE.  The 1099K FORM, let me stress FORM, never set the minimum threshold for reporting your income to the IRS.  It is ONLY a Form.  It is nothing more than a form.  You actually thought you could earn up to $19,999 without claiming it on your income taxes before this form changed????  That is higher than the income allowed for those drawing social security before their full retirement age.  


You simply misunderstand how and what the 1099K is.


"It's funny how ebay has users most private info for X amount of years and all of a sudden, They don't know who you are?"


Not really.  In all those previous years Ebay was not our Money Processor.  But once they became our Money Processor there were new requirements that Ebay had to adhere to.  This new info was ONLY ever required of a seller as they were entering Manage Payments and not before.


"Also if you want to avoid the Photo ID the other thing you can do is Register as a business and get a TAX ID Number/ EIN from the government."


Not everyone has to give them a photo ID.  Only some sellers do if Ebay is having a problem with verifying their identity.  Not everyone is required to do this.  Ebay asks when they have the need only.  Most sellers likely never have to give it to Ebay.


Why do you keep picking a old dead thread to post on?  Why not just start a new one?





mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 40 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

This has nothing to do with the IRS.

They require photo ID's to ensure you are who you are and that you are not trying to launder money.

Ebay has NO control over your money.       It is Aryden,   and well respected and secure CC processing and money transfer company.


The Treasury Department requires this information,  including photo ID's.     They require CC Processing companies to adhere to these steps in order to keep accreditation.      Paypal did not require it because they were not strictly a CC processor or a bank.     They are now though.


These steps are all required by law that dates back to 2001 and I don't think it was Biden,   although I think the President's name did begin with a B.     




All this reporting you claim does not happen.    All the IRS gets from Aryden/ Ebay is your total sales. 

Message 41 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?



"They require photo ID's to ensure you are who you are and that you are not trying to launder money."  It is a form of ID that Ebay MAY ask for.  Most sellers never likely have to supply this if Ebay was able to verify their identity from the initial information received when they signed up for MP.  Which is the majority of sellers.


It is Adyen.  And you are right they receive the money and process it, but the work for Ebay and Ebay has every right to interject as needed as long as it complies with law.  Ebay manages the information to the sellers and sets the policy.  It is NOT Adyen that is the MOR [merchant of record] on a transaction, it is Ebay.


A definition from the internet.

A merchant of record (MoR) is the entity that is authorized, and held liable, by a financial institution to process a consumer's credit and debit card transactions


No, the "treasury Dept does not require a photo ID.  It is a form of ID accepted, but it is not required.


And you are right, these laws were in place before Biden became President and apply to ALL money processors.


mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 42 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

Everyone has to give the photo ID. Call Ebay they will tell you this once you pass a monetary threshold that they say they can tell you the actual figure. Call Paypal same thing. It's coming for all users sooner or later. 


Again.. Also if you want to avoid the Photo ID the other thing you can do is Register as a business and get a TAX ID Number/ EIN from the government or submit a utility bill.


The post is still open not "dead" no need to start a new one. Just continuing the conversation. Which you seem to be pretty good at being that you have all this time to answer "old dead thread".


Message 43 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

@digitaldivegames wrote:

Everyone has to give the photo ID. Call Ebay they will tell you this once you pass a monetary threshold that they say they can tell you the actual figure. Call Paypal same thing. It's coming for all users sooner or later. 


Again.. Also if you want to avoid the Photo ID the other thing you can do is Register as a business and get a TAX ID Number/ EIN from the government or submit a utility bill.


The post is still open not "dead" no need to start a new one. Just continuing the conversation. Which you seem to be pretty good at being that you have all this time to answer "old dead thread".



No they don't.  Some do and some don't.  It will be dependent upon what Ebay needs to verify your identity.  


"they will tell you this once you pass a monetary threshold"  What is a "monetary threshold"?


I don't have to get my sales figures from calling Ebay or contacting Ebay is some way.  I can simply run off my reports out of the Seller Hub for the information I need for whatever timeframe I need it for.


Anyone can get an EIN and they don't have to be a registered Business either.  Many casual and small sellers operate as a Sole Proprietorship which does not require any formal set up with IRS.



mam98031  •  Volunteer Community Member  •  Buyer/Seller since 1999
Message 44 of 52
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Re: Action required, being asked to upload a photo id, DL, passport, etc. Is this a joke?

The information is readily available. Good Day.

Message 45 of 52
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