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Slowly getting there

I finally got my gallon of Slick Sand primer in and got the whole 56 chrysler primed.Slowly getting there here are a few pictures.Bruce.P.S. HAPPY FATHERS DAY!

Message 1 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Another shot.Bruce.

Message 2 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Looking awesome Bruce. If you haven't yet, take the trim off the passenger side. For a laser straight body, block sand in all directions.


Have a Happy Father's Day too. 

Message 3 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

I was chatting with the owner of the paint shop that I use and the price of materials is pretty incredible these days.  The days of buying a gallon of primer for $10 and mixing with thinner are pretty much gone.


They mix paint only in minimal quantities to conserve cost.  They are using a water-based approach and for most people, paint work is becomming cost prohibitive.



Message 4 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there



Betcha can't wait till she's done! (I know I can't!)

Message 5 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Looks good Bruce! What color scheme are you going to use? Tell me your keeping the pink stripe.

Message 6 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

The car is going to look fantastic. I can't wait to see it when it's done.


Tony is right about the cost of paint and associated materials. Paint, primer, thinner, hardener, Fish Eye Eliminator, and on and on and on it goes.


On TV some years ago Jesse James built a custom motorcycle that he painted  a beautiful shade of orange. They stated on the show that paint cost 4 grand a QUART. Apparently the coloration pigment comes from some obscure bug in India.

Throw a gallon of that on the Chrylser......

Message 7 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Very proud of you, Bruce.  🙂

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" - Benjamin Franklin

Message 8 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Mike i am going to shoot the chrysler in a metilic gun metal gray and the pink strip is staying on.Bruce.

Message 9 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

L.B. This new primer {new to me } slick sand primer set me back about $95 for a gallon.It hard to sand also.You cant wet sand it either because it has talic in in.I have to sand it down with 220 grit instead of 360 grit because its so thick.After i sand it down with the 220 i have to go back and hit it again with the 360 grit to smooth it out then shoot 2 more coats to finish filling the pitting on the hood.I think next project i am going back to the lacker primer {cost me only $35. a gallon} and fill any scratches with nitrostan {glazing putty} because you can wet sand that and its a lot easier to sand.I am going to shoot it in Acrlic Enamel with hardner because the clear coat paint is just too much $$$$.The prices on paint , reducer ect. has really sky rocketed over the last few years.I use to paint cars for $400 or $500. Now its almost that just for all the stuff you need to paint a car.Bruce.

Message 10 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Perfect.  It's going to look great. They are talking about how much paint costs these days. True, some of the specialty paint is rediculous. When I did  my Suburban this spring it cost me five hunderd in material and I already had alot of stuff left over from painting my Crown Vic. Didn't have to by reducer or primer.

Message 11 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Thanks Ed.I took a fall about 2 weeks ago and came down real hard on my right shoulder{my sanding and painting arm} I thought i just bruised it but two weeks later it is still really hurting.I dont think its my rotater cup because i can lift my arm all the way up.I just hope i just bruised something in side .My Dr sent me to get it x rayed this morning at the hopital this morning.I will know in 2 days whats up.Bruce.

Message 12 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Mike ,on this paint job i am not going to use my compressor.I am going to try and shoot it with the turbin system.They say it uses warm air and a lot less paint and no over spray.I always wanted to try it out.Bruce.

Message 13 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

I have never seen that used. I give you credit for trying some thing new. Let us know how it works for you.

Message 14 of 56
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Re: Slowly getting there

Good Lord, man. I do wish you'd not beat on yourself so - but then, look who's talking here, eh? 🙂
Holler if you need me, my friend. You know where I am.

Ok, I've made my annual appearance on this God-forsaken board. Me gone. Y'all be safe.

"When the people find they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic" - Benjamin Franklin

Message 15 of 56
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