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Progress report #2

I locked the other thread. There is some good stuff in there that probably has been reposted in other threads. I'll check. In the meantime, here's another place to write. B-)
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Progress report #2

Tempting Barry. i do have 4 and only 3 are painted/in process of painting to be eventually used on layout. That still leaves me the 4th as a spare.
Message 286 of 771
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Progress report #2

Manages to get an hour in yesterday to finish up the main bus wires in a section. Will still need to put in feeders in that district but right now I want to get the torn up area prepped for tracklaying.
Message 287 of 771
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Progress report #2

Well Monday I go for follow up x-ray and later in the week for blood test and crap sample testing. All so the Doc can tell me what expensive med's to put me on, and for this I have to pay good money. I do still get tired easy and am short of breath some so it will be worth it in the long run as I will feel more like working on the trains or buildings or etc.. But it does eat into my train budget. Lou
Message 288 of 771
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Progress report #2

How much of the meds will Medicare cover Lou? And what kind of meds clean up a blockage? B-)
Message 289 of 771
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Progress report #2

Got the last corner cleaned up from the foam and roadbed. Layed a 2x3 stud for the back 'lane' track (that's behind the backdrop. I have a 2x3 stud on backside of the back drop to stiffen it up and keep it straight. I can pretty much start laying track on the back stretch and then put up the backdrop. The I can start on the main line, ethonol plant area and industrial park.
Message 290 of 771
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Progress report #2

The tool car is now finished. Sorry about the picture quality, but when I make them smaller for the group albums they seem to go out of focus. I guess I may have to get a better photo program than the freebie from HP. Anywho, it started as a Bachmann flat car which I , added a wood deck over the plastic car floor and then built the tool shed and tool boxes on. The safety chains at the end of the car are anchor chain from a model ship. I also scrounged the wood shake roof from another structure kit. Don't know what I'll tackle next. B-) Nice work Pete -- Edited by dl85vette at 06/13/2009 6:03 PM PDT
Message 291 of 771
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Progress report #2

Layed some track last nite. Need to lay some more at one curve and ten I should be able to put the backdrop up and then I can plot the mainline.
Message 292 of 771
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Progress report #2

Finally put lights in the HO tree train cars. I found some small button type battery holders at an electronics house in California and used those plus a sub-mini SPST switch and two 1.5V lights to make the circuit. This set up is light enough for the loco to pull all four cars up the grades now. Whoopeeeeee!!!!! B-)
Message 293 of 771
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Progress report #2

gee just what I said to do, only I suggested magnetic switches, that way you would just pass a magnetised screwdriver past the car to turn them on and again to turn them off, mini switches work too but I prefer the magnetic switches. ]:)
Message 294 of 771
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Progress report #2

Couldn't find any mag switches here and I was confused when I looked at Walthers. Never having used them before I stuck with what I know. B-)
Message 295 of 771
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Progress report #2

The new music room is almost complete. Next I need to move into the old music room (once Ed gets all of his belongings removed and we repaint, etc) then we will have that extra room upstairs vacant and ready for the blue paint (which I have) and the beginning of the railroad. There is finally a place to put our trains. We will probably have a big sale once that happens as we have way too much stuff for this smaller room. Oh well, it is finally going to happen!
Message 296 of 771
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Progress report #2

Don't sell you "extra" stuff just yet Dot. You may be surprised just how much stuff you will need or find room for in the long run. Just when you sell that odd item, you will find a place for it, and it will never be found again. Trust me! So how big will the new layout be? B-)
Message 297 of 771
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Progress report #2

Good to hear your making progress Dot. I was getting worried that the renos spiraled out of control or burnt out from thought of redoing trainroom and no more railroad anymore. Seemed like Marc became MIA after the thought of redoing layout. Didn't know if you became the same way. I think once the train room is ready and a clean slate to work with, you will be energized even more so. I can attest. After looking at layout and thinking about it, and pondering of redesign everytime I looked at it, go down to work on it only to spend 10 minutes looking at the current design, all over the course of a year!!, I was almost burnt out from thinking. Flipped flop a couple times, stood my ground one day and said nope, it is staying as is, then one day I said enuf, I am not happy with parts of layout. So I tore up and restarted. I almost got burned out from the 3 weeks of rewiring, but know I am in the cork roadbed laying stage for the mainline and since came up with an area to put a small depot (walthers 'pella' depot or the Santa Fe depot) which will represent a retored historic landmark now visitor informaton center for my RR town. I will have a small section of track to hold a "restored" 1940s style reefer (that the misses gave me for xmas that I couldn't fit into my modernday car fleet) and I will pick up an old wood caboose to have parked on display to the public. I just like how ideas come together to add more character to my town.
Message 298 of 771
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Progress report #2

Thanks guys! Yes, we are beginning to look forward to the layout and if all goes well we should be able to get it started by the fall. Just in time for those winter snow days and finally back to one of our favorite hobbies. It is all packed away right now. The new trainroom is small and oddly shaped. I don't know how we will handle the door. Ed is thinking of keeping the closet doors off and making the closet "his" yard. We will see! There is only one window in the room as well. I always called it the "closet bedroom" since it is so small. Perhaps we should have multi-levels or something! We will take your advice and wait to sell extra stuff til later. You are right, one never knows! I still would like it to be movable in case we "find" room for a larger one! Studio: Carpet guys coming in the next week or 2. It was ordered so once that goes in all we need to do is build some shelving for the many music related items. Sink is finally installed and bar area is almost ready. I am happy with my tile job too. I did some painting & staining yesterday. All these small projects just take so long! Ed is packing boxes and going through stuff in between. What a long process but it will be worth it! I don't know how some people get things done so quickly. We must be snails when it comes to doing household projects. They mostly come out great, but they take so long! I have a few pieces of furniture to paint for my office before that move too, but will have to wait til I can get to them. There is no end to all we have to do, but then we never get bored so that is a plus! I even managed to start 2 more wines. One 2 weeks ago and one yesterday. I still have to bottle the Chardonnay that has been in long term bulk aging. It is just about ready. (I tried some yesterday) I don't visit here as often as I would like, but will once we start rr-ing again. No need to bother you guys much until then! I will keep popping in once in awhile til then. Keep up the rr-ing and Happy belated Father's Day to all the dads in our group!
Message 299 of 771
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Progress report #2

Still trying to figure out a track layout into/around my industrial park that is sort of realistic and feasible and doesn't use up a lot of real estate. I sort of had one arrangement until I realized I forgot my metal fabrication plant (aka bachmann diesel facility kit) I'm not greedy, I just want my brewery, a (nu-line structures) warehouse, and a scratchbuilt petro-chemical facility..and maybe 2 track siding to use as a storage-in-transit yard for pellet hoppers.
Message 300 of 771
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