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Gas prices in your area

The Gas prices per liter today in Ottawa are $1.146 to $1.152 in the area that I live in. This amounts to $5.202 to $5.230 a imperial gallon. For those of us that are now on fixed incomes (retired) we will start to really feel the pinch if it goes much higher. If you listen to the market wizards, they are predicting that the cost of a barrel of oil will go to about $100.00 USD in the next few months or at least by the end of this year. This should probably bring the price per liter up to about $1.50 to $1.60 or more per liter in this country. The biggest problem as I see it is that most of the younger people have good paying jobs today and a few more cents does not seem to faze them. I say this as I watch my own family and how they operate and also I do not see any reduction in traffic on the roads and the big SUV's are still being sold so it gives me the impression that most people at this time are saying "WHO CARES" it's only money. At todays rate of exchange an American gallon would cost me $4.59 using Cdn dollars. I guess my next question is; What are you folks paying in your different area's ?????? Jack
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Gas prices in your area

My local filling station installed a set of lips on each pump. Now each customer gets a free kiss with their f@@king!

Message 31 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

My gas station has installed K-Y Jelly dispensers on each pump!!!!! ]:) ]:) ]:) Mr. Breeze
Message 32 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Now that the petroleum companies have used up the excuses of: Hurricane Damage, Off-Line Refineries, High consumption by China, and so on, they have now opted to close the Alaska Pipeline for so-called repairs. Just another ploy to justify their outrageous profits. I am very careful to stand fully erect when I fill my vehicle at the gas station for fear of getting Scrxxxd! Bud..
Message 33 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

How much of the Alaska oil stays for use in the USA. I remember that most is shipped overseas while we continue to import oil. But what do I know, I just bought some KY so I could go get gas today. Lou
Message 34 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

The Alaska oil goes mainly to the west coast of US and Canada and some mountain states according to what I saw on CNN. Yes a lot is shipped to Japan too. Why won't the Govt. allow the building of more refineries? Sign me Stumped
Message 35 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

That's the question no one in Government will answer!
Message 36 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Oil companies blame EPA for the closing of some refineries and making it hard to build new ones. Now the EPA would not do something like that, would they. Of course add the fact they have not figured out how to get us to pay for it and not lose any of their SMALL profits. Lou PS Pete, at this rate you may have to delete this thread as it will get more political by all of us. Me included.
Message 37 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Not worried Lou. So far, gas prices have not risen again here. I'm going to fill up this morning. It's still $1.19.9/Liter = $4.56/gal. B-)
Message 38 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

If you were listening carefully you would have heard that BP has, basically, done NO inspections OR maintenece on THEIR pipeline for FOURTEEN Y-E-A-R-S!!! The "main" Alaska pipeline gets "cleaned" every fourteen D-A-Y-S!!! (That would be every other week, for those of you looking at a calendar!) There was a guy on the news last night, part of some "WatchDog Group" that sent the head of BP, Alaska e-mails about the impending problem in 2002!!! (Of course the BP guy "didn't recall" said e-mails! BULLSPIT!) WHY would they spend THEIR money (profits) fixing something that "ain't broke"?!?!? Greed, lady and gentlemen, greed, puer and simple! Marc - A "bargain" @ 3,05 yesterday!
Message 39 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Super savings at $2.879 today. Except BP was 3.039. Lou
Message 40 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Gas in Ottawa was down to $1.00 a litre today. $4.54 Cdn per Imp Gallon $4.56 USD per US Gallon We play the watching game here, watching all the Gas stations as you pass for lowest price. This is the first in over a month Ive seen it this low. Jack
Message 41 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Lotto 649 is 42 million dollars this saturday!!! No one won it last night which is good 'cause I forgot to get my tickets when we went to walmart after supper. I would be thrilled to have 2% of that. Enuf to quit my job and doing model RR for a living. Get your tickets. For my american friends that may not be a lot compared to the powerball draws but in Canada your 649 winnings is paid out all at once and beings it is a lottery winning, there is no income tax taken off, nor do you owe any. However the interest you earn off it (should it be in a bank account) would be taxed the next tax season. dave
Message 42 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Gas prices in your area

That last one said "Share With CJ"! CJ]:)
Message 44 of 358
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Gas prices in your area

Gas is supposed to go down in price by Monday from $.06 to $.10. Has already dropped on the mainland. Why does the trickle effect take so long to get here? ]:)
Message 45 of 358
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