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iOS App Selling update



We recently updated the selling form for all sellers. We would like you to post any feedback you have with this new form here.


Thank you

Message 18 of 311
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310 REPLIES 310

iOS App Selling update

Terrible update. You’ve added loads of steps to create every listing, the recommended pricing is never even close, we don’t need to “Restore” your suggested pricing, we don’t need a new loading page for every option you want to force down our throats (always Auction selected, always wrong shipping price recommended, etc), and for Pete’s sake just let me go back to the easier form that took twenty seconds to fill in. You guys consistently make things harder here. Are you running changes by a focus group before rolling them out to millions of users. 

And I’m normally fine with change as long as it makes things more streamlined, but you’ve created a monster solely so you can attempt to make people do more listings Auction style and priced how you want.

I don’t need a micro-managing overlord. 

Make sellers lives easier in ONE aspect. Just one. Customer service allows scammers and cheaters, costing sellers money, you guys now want to absorb more time by what’s mentioned above, plus forcing an answer to all the details in every listing (I’ll literally never type in the **bleep** MPN or UPC), and top it off by rolling out a new design with no heads up to anyone. I get 10000 eBay messages a day for every little thing and change except the one thing I care about. 

We don’t need fancy features and required info to be populated (no it doesn’t help search functionality for 90% of what I sell), we need a 100% functional and STREAMLINED way to make a listing and move on. We’re trying to make a living here, and time isn’t a luxury I have.

Lastly, please, please, fire the manager or jackass that sits you down in weekly meetings and comes up with this nonsense to burden us. He’s killing our bottom line and yours. 

Message 151 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️THIS THIS THIS ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Message 152 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

Hello, I'm having problems with notification option when I select it the app crash , I have to enter again 

I've tried uninstalling the app, logout and relogin but nothing happens .



Can you help me ? 

Message 153 of 311
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iOS App Selling update


You took away store categories from the listing screen. You also took away bullet points from the text options. It’s a pain to have to login to my computer and access a listing I just made on my phone to fix these issues. Instead of fixing bugs you have added them.

Message 154 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

The listing and relisting functions are essentially useless, I have had all the same issues as you, I used to be able to list an item in about 60 seconds and a relist would take 15-30, depending on the changes I wanted to make.  Now I have no access to most of the functions I need and it bseems like eBay wants me to only list things their way by removing access to things like my Blocked Bidder list, no access to my store categories and so on.......the pictures are very slow to load, editing is a pain.....I could go on and on about how frustrating this is.  Why would anyone destroy such an elegant, easy to use tool?  It slows down listing which means less sales and less money for me AND for eBay.  They shgould bebthinking of ways to make it easier, not harder.  I am considering closing my store after I sell my larger ticket items and going on hiatus as a seller if they can't figure out how to fix these problems.  Ebay used to be fun, but now it's a hassle.

Message 155 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

Completely true.....this is about the worst design I have ever seen. Why would anybody take an app that worked so beautifully and turn it into this mess?
Message 156 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

When is this going to be fixed? I need to be able to select the duration on my fixed listings & it also doesn’t let me select my store categories anymore. 

Message 157 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

I list everything from my for some reason if my item doesn't sell it will automatically be in the world do you stop this from happening..the new app is not user friendly at all...should have left well enough alone...the items that get delisted automatically I DO NOT want them to be listed again....if I do...ill relish it myself..STOP THE AUTOMATIC RELIST FEATURE...BUT HOW?
Message 158 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

I strongly agree with this. The forced auto-Relist choice makes the listing form unusable in my opinion. I will change to a PC until the option returns. If option comes off the PC, I’ll switch to fixed duration only and end them after 25 days. 

Message 159 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

I can only list per quarter hour now on my iphone.  The photos are super slow to load.  I have to do the scheduling on a computer. Takes me twice as long.  I hate the new app. 

Message 160 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

Two problem have occurred since latest update. “Good Till Cancelled” is the only option for the duration of a Buy It Now Sale. The 30 day option is only available when using my computer. 

Second, the program has randomly changed 3 of my newer listings and added “Best Offer”, without my consent. This is a real problem. All of this requires more work and adds confusion for buyers and sellers.     Please fix. 

Message 161 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

Dear ios app team/devs!


This may be a surprisongly foreign concept to you, but please do look up what USABILITY TESTING is.


It would be extremely helpful to accomplish said task prior to rolling out an update.


For example, why do the buttons for performing consequtive tasks appear on opposite sides of the screen? 


Why something that used to take one screen now takes 5?


I'm talking about revising the listing, haven't gone much further as this has pretty much made me want to get rid of an app all together.


Why all of the sudden the app kicks me out every 24 hours and requires another sign on?


As far as requested features, I'd love to be able to utilize business policies on mobile as well


Best regards!

Message 162 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

YES to ALL of this!!!!!!! 

Message 163 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

I had the same exact thought about the depreciating value and you are the only other one who has mentioned it in the comments i've read so far. eBay will CRASH AND BURN if nothing sells for a decent price. That is their whole platform...if everything sells for 99 cents no one will sell anything. Doomed from the start, horrible update. They are not Amazon, and they shouldn't try to be. eBay WAS great because of what it WAS, bring it back...the online garage sale/auction site. 

Message 164 of 311
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iOS App Selling update

not friendly. it does not allow me to revise listing.

Message 165 of 311
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