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iOS App Selling update



We recently updated the selling form for all sellers. We would like you to post any feedback you have with this new form here.


Thank you

Message 18 of 311
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310 REPLIES 310

Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

When I am using the app on my Iphone, I can only list Good til Canceled for buy it now. Anyway around this so I don't have to do more work, such as saving it as a draft and such.

Message 1 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on



Thanks for the post. When listing in the app Good Til Canceled will be set for fixed priced items.



Message 2 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

With the new update it seems to create a listing for buy it now only gives you an option of “Good til cancelled.” Does this mean there’s no longer a fee once the free listings are exhausted? I don’t see a way I can change this.  This will really prevent me from using the mobile app, which is a shame because it’s my #1 most used method. Hope they fix this soon!

Message 3 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

Seller for 15 years. Relisting items, double check best offers is on. Go back to the listing once listed and best offer is turned on. No, that’s fine. I like doing double work. 🙄 terrible app update. 

Message 4 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

Is there a chance this functionality will be added back to the app?  The only way to choose duration is to place my listings via the eBay site on the computer so now I have to do double the work and take my pictures with my phone and then continue the listing on the computer.  In my past experience, I think the 30 day timeline hinders sales more than helps.

Message 5 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

That is ridiculous! Why would you folks do that , this makes no sense whatsoever?!?!. So now i have to do double the work

Message 6 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

@bingcrosby27 @cam_corners


Thank you for the feedback around this change and providing us details on why you prefer the choices.


We will pass your feedback over to the team about the change.




Message 7 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

I just got an update today and now when I sell a simililar item it blanks out the description in the new listing. I have wording in my descriptions that I want to carry forward so I don't have to re-type it every time. It was working fine this morning, but now it's broken. 


It looks like I have version 5.24.0

Message 8 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on



Thanks for the post. You are looking at one of your own listings and doing a sell similar and the full description is removed and this did not happen in the previous version?



Message 9 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

Yes, that is correct. It is one of my own listings. I also noticed that it doesn't ask me if I want to keep or remove the pictures, it just removes them.

Message 10 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

Seems to me like ebay is trying very hard to weed out all of the small sellers in favor of the sellers who have stores. No thank you ebay. To open a store with the few listings I have I would have to raise prices so much to cover my costs I would never make a profit. Ebay has forgotten all of the little people who made their site great. This gives the corporations who use ebay a huge advantage. 

Message 11 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

I also noticed it lost my shipping and return settings

Message 12 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

Has anyone else had problems today creating new listings on an iPad?   I had 9 items to add and I had to create each new listing twice or 3 times!  The listing would just disappear after I clicked "done".  It wouldn't show up as a draft; it was just gone.   This was after the new step of "maybe next time" to decline the easy pricing option.


And then the system would duplicate another listing I had previously entered today.  The listing I'd just worked on disappeared but a previous one showed up twice.  Sometimes this was 10 minutes later.   My preference is to list on my ipad because I can upload pictures easily, so I'm not inexperienced with the system.   Today was like taking something that worked well and upending it.   Very glitchy!


The best offer button is gone and the Offers option is confusing.  I turned it off at first and then realized listing wouldn't show a best offer option at all.   I would prefer to receive and decline offers myself, so I had to enter zero instead of the automatic dollar amount entered by eBay.  Even that was several steps because the system wouldn't accept the zero without several attempts.   It would change to a different number even though I had entered zero.


It's been a frustrating 3 hours of work!   The old system was faster and easier to navigate.   I do not like having to decline the "easy pricing" offer every time I list an item.  And I'm not sure I like the good til cancelled requirement for all fixed price listings.   It seems as if that will actually discourage sales.



Message 13 of 311
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Best offers off then mysteriously turned on

I do have a store ! !!!!

Message 14 of 311
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