02-06-2021 01:16 PM
I have the flash turned off on my camera, when using the app to take photos, the flash symbol appears with the line through it indicating it is off, however when I take the photo, it still employs the flash.
02-06-2021 01:23 PM
If you turn the flash on and take a picture, and then turn the flash off, does it actually turn off? Or is it just stuck on?
Does restarting the app or your phone make any difference?
02-09-2021 03:23 PM
11-09-2021 05:22 PM
I have no option to turn flash off on my screen, the only options are to turn to front camera or adjust screen size.
This is annoying as this tool is usually great for searching comic prices, Now all I get is party decorations when I try to search as the flash ruins the image. Please Fix ASAP
11-10-2021 09:42 AM
@comic-alley wrote:
I have no option to turn flash off on my screen, the only options are to turn to front camera or adjust screen size.
This is annoying as this tool is usually great for searching comic prices, Now all I get is party decorations when I try to search as the flash ruins the image. Please Fix ASAP
Hey @comic-alley! I'll see if this is a 'by design' change or something that needs to be fixed. I'll follow-up once I have news to share. Thanks!!!
11-11-2021 12:14 PM
@comic-alley wrote:
I have no option to turn flash off on my screen, the only options are to turn to front camera or adjust screen size.
This is annoying as this tool is usually great for searching comic prices, Now all I get is party decorations when I try to search as the flash ruins the image. Please Fix ASAP
I've heard back @comic-alley and they'd like a screen shot of the camera open when doing an image search so they can see what you're seeing. Thanks!
11-22-2021 07:49 PM
11-26-2021 09:44 AM
@comic-alley wrote:
Thank you @comic-alley! I'm sorry I didn't see this last week. I wasn't tagged and just happened to check in to see if you'd replied. I made the mobile team aware of the screen shot and I'll follow-up if they ask for anything else.
I hope you had a terrific Thanksgiving and if you went out early for Black Friday shopping, you got all the deals. 😊
12-17-2021 10:49 AM
Hi @comic-alley! We put out a new version of the app and the team is asking that you update to it if you haven't yet. Hopefully things will be working like normal for you again but if not, please let us know.
12-17-2021 11:11 AM
Brill thanks for your help velvet.
I will let you know if it's not working.
I hope you have a great Christmas and a happy New year.
All the best