06-23-2022 12:04 AM
The latest app update crashes the app every single time I try to view my bids. Seems to be the only screen that crashes, but it's obviously an essential function. I have deleted and reloaded the app twice with no effect. Rebooted as well...no luck.
Is there a way to downgrade the app?
06-23-2022 09:11 AM
Can you please send us an email to iosfeedback@ebay.com so we can get you details and into our beta program to try the next version.
11-15-2022 09:08 PM
I’ve just noticed the same exact issue as of today. I see the original post about this was from back in June. Any fixes for this or is it happening at random???? I uninstalled the app several times as well. It did not help.
11-16-2022 12:45 AM
The developers did fix the issue for me pretty quickly in a beta test version. I'm not sure if it was released to the public yet or not since I'm still using TestFlight.