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Vietnam War Forum

Place to dicuss Vietnam War militaria, tactics, personalities, memories, experiences, etc......
Message 1 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

I've noticed that the Vietnam material has gotten scarce and increased in price rather quickly over the past five years. M-16 pouches, butt packs, and full steel pots with camo covers have dried up at Surplus stores. The dress greens still turn up, but there is little demand for them. Even good 'Nam patches are getting hard to come by. Many of the Vietnam veterans I have spoken with tell of ditching the uniform asap, one in a dumpster once he got away from the airport. Others never felt that there would ever be any interest in that unpopular war which the public didn't support and no one understood. I buy a few things to resell, but getting together a full kit is getting costly. Scot
Message 2 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

Very true...very true.... and Nam items will be as sought after as WW2 stuff is the next couple of decades maybe?
Message 3 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

Nearly sixty-thousand dead and five times as many wounded, in a conflict lasting a lot longer than WWII. I would have expected long and fruitfull discussions here, more so because I suspect that a large number of members are U.S. citizens. Strange, and a bit disturbing. I suppose you guys out there just don't care anymore?
Message 4 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

panzer: Not that I don't care, I'd rather not be reminded and it's not really good conversation with others. But then, I was in Cambodia and Laos rather than Vietnam. JMHO.
Message 5 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

If you're a veteran ( I take it you are) than I of course understand and respect that. I deliberately made my message provocative in order to get " the ball rolling". I am European, and Vietnam always has been a "far away- war" over here ( well, maybe not in the sixties...) and has never been as "popular" ( that is a stupid word, but you know what I mean) as WW2. I've recently taken up reading on the Vietnam War ( "history of the Vietnam War" by Chris Mcnab and Andy Wiest), so following a discussion here would have been an interesting addition.
Message 6 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

panzer: Actually, more like career US military. Just wanted to mention it so you know people actually read these threads and since I normally try to post on threads this topic usually doesn't draw much response from me. But...I think I understand exactly what you mean. I know a guy in Aachen (German) that's really into the Vietnam War but he's about the only one. -Belgium??? We're in NRW, my wife went to Liege (Lüttich)tonight. I ride my bicycle to Maasmechelen and Lanaken in the summer and try to go to Tongeren on the random Sunday morning. DerAdler (another member here) used to live near Brussels. There was another member that used to live near Namur and still another near Mons but I forgot their eBay names. Good to see a neighbor here!
Message 7 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

What are all of you guys doin' over here im ny neck-of-the-woods? Anyway, I'm a historian (military) and I have the utmost respect for members of the U.S.Armed forces. But then again, I'm biased: the more you read on warfare ( and how to avoid it), the more you tend to respect soldiers. And there's of course the little Liberation of Europe '44 issue... To top it all off, my relative in Idaho fought the Japanese on Guam in '44, as a Marine! All the best to you and your family- I salute you!
Message 8 of 9
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Re: Vietnam War Forum

panzerkeno I have met many Veterans of the Vietnam War. I have much respect for these guys. I've become friends with many.

From what little I seen about you in this forum, and I do not know you anyway but this is only a guess your not a Veteran of any sorts, just a historian of the Military. Fine there nothing wrong with that. But when talking of War of any time frame, but more so of the Vietnam War, There are many whom had not even told their Kids about the War, but when they are around other Veterans, They let it all go. I had one Veteran stop at my table one day at a local Flea market and started to talking to me. His son was standing next to him. Afterthe Gentleman left his son stayed behind. His son told me that was the first time ever he heard his Father talk about it.

If your tender hearted, I would avoid the Subject with them, for they have stories that will break your heart. I've had them start to Cry, Some afterwards has a bad attack from their PTSD afterwards. Even just seeing reproduction Items of their Units. I had many to open up with me, and to me I felt very Honored that they could. I will always cherish those talks, and I do respect and honor them to the best I can.

Please Allow me to travel, By Land, Air or Sea, I do not care, Just travel I must.
Message 9 of 9
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